Uploaded image for project: 'ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES'
  2. ZBX-20765

Empty PDF file is generated by Scheduled Reports


    • Sprint 91 (Aug 2022), Sprint 92 (Sep 2022), Sprint 93 (Oct 2022), Sprint 94 (Nov 2022), Sprint 95 (Dec 2022), Sprint 96 (Jan 2023), Sprint 97 (Feb 2023), Sprint 98 (Mar 2023), Sprint 99 (Apr 2023), Sprint 100 (May 2023), Sprint 101 (Jun 2023), Sprint 102 (Jul 2023), Sprint 103 (Aug 2023), Sprint 104 (Sep 2023), Sprint 105 (Oct 2023), Sprint 106 (Nov 2023), Sprint candidates, S2401-1, S2401-2
    • 0.5

      Sometimes an empty PDF is created.
      When Scheduled Reports created a PDF every day, sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it fails.
      To confirm, I duplicated the settings and created the same report every minute.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Duplicated the Scheduled Reports settings and changed only the name and start time.
        See screenshots (image-1.png and image-2.png).
      2. Wait until the start time and receive reports.


        One succeeds, the other fails.
        A. Success pattern
            PDF file is output correctly. See following files.
            ・daily_report_230-zbxsv_3_2022-03-14_15-10.pdf: Generated PDF file
            ・zabbix_server.log.1: debug log
            ・1647238213.Vfd00I1cee7eM480461.zbxsv230: Received email
        B. Failed pattern
            PDF file is empty. See following files.
            ・daily_report_230-zbxsv_8_2022-03-14_15-15.pdf: Generated PDF file
            ・zabbix_server.log.2: debug log
            ・1647238502.Vfd00I1d52c2M824369.zbxsv230: Received email

        1. 1647238213.Vfd00I1cee7eM480461.zbxsv230
          174 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara
        2. 1647238502.Vfd00I1d52c2M824369.zbxsv230
          2 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara
        3. 3.png
          195 kB
          Tomass Janis Bross
        4. daily_report_230-zbxsv_3_2022-03-14_15-10.pdf
          128 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara
        5. daily_report_230-zbxsv_8_2022-03-14_15-15.pdf
          0.9 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara
        6. error.png
          11 kB
          Anna Poga
        7. gauge.png
          57 kB
          Anna Poga
        8. geomap-report.png
          144 kB
          Nikita Gogolevs
        9. image-1.png
          27 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara
        10. image-2.png
          27 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara
        11. loader.png
          49 kB
          Anna Poga
        12. map.mp4
          1008 kB
          Anna Poga
        13. pdf_report_creator.go
          7 kB
          Nathan Slusher
        14. pie-chart.png
          32 kB
          Anna Poga
        15. screenshot-1.png
          475 kB
          Tomass Janis Bross
        16. zabbix_server.log.1
          132 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara
        17. zabbix_server.log.2
          40 kB
          Takashi Yoshihara

            averza Andrejs Verza
            Takashi Yoshihara Takashi Yoshihara
            Team A
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            26 Start watching this issue
