Problem report
Resolution: Fixed
6.0.2, 6.0.3
Steps to reproduce:
- Offcial Zabbix Agent repository, download the amd64 MSI 'Zabbix Agent 2' package, version 6.0.1, 6.02, or 6.0.3
- Install the 'Zabbix Agent 2' on a new Windows Server or try to upgrade a current installation.
See screenshot...
See installation log file:
=== Logging started: 4/28/2022 9:19:43 === Action 9:19:43: INSTALL. Action start 9:19:43: INSTALL. Action 9:19:43: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications Action start 9:19:43: FindRelatedProducts. Action ended 9:19:43: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1. Action 9:19:43: PrepareDlg. Action start 9:19:43: PrepareDlg. Info 2898. For WixUI_Font_Normal textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 character set, of 13 pixels height. Info 2898. For WixUI_Font_Bigger textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 character set, of 19 pixels height. Action 9:19:43: PrepareDlg. Dialog created Action ended 9:19:43: PrepareDlg. Return value 1. Action 9:19:43: SetUIListenPortInit. Action start 9:19:43: SetUIListenPortInit. Action ended 9:19:43: SetUIListenPortInit. Return value 1. Action 9:19:43: SetUIServerActiveInit. Action start 9:19:43: SetUIServerActiveInit. Action ended 9:19:43: SetUIServerActiveInit. Return value 1. Action 9:19:43: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications Action start 9:19:43: AppSearch. AppSearch: Property: INSTALLFOLDER, Signature: InstallFolder_reg AppSearch: Property: ENABLEPATH, Signature: EnablePath_reg AppSearch: Property: OLD_PROD_VER, Signature: OldProductVersion_reg Action ended 9:19:43: AppSearch. Return value 1. Action 9:19:43: caGetFwStatus. Action start 9:19:43: caGetFwStatus. Action ended 9:19:44: caGetFwStatus. Return value 0. Action 9:19:44: caGetNonMsiStatus. Action start 9:19:44: caGetNonMsiStatus. Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Custom action caGetNonMsiStatus script error -2146828235, Microsoft VBScript runtime error: File not found Line 319, Column 2, MSI (c) (54:9C) [09:19:45:729]: Product: Zabbix Agent 2 (64-bit) -- Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Custom action caGetNonMsiStatus script error -2146828235, Microsoft VBScript runtime error: File not found Line 319, Column 2, Action ended 9:19:45: caGetNonMsiStatus. Return value 3. Action 9:19:45: FatalError. Action start 9:19:45: FatalError. Action 9:19:45: FatalError. Dialog created Action ended 9:19:47: FatalError. Return value 2. Action ended 9:19:47: INSTALL. Return value 3. Property(C): DiskPrompt = Zabbix Agent 2 Disk #1 Property(C): UpgradeCode = {3B47322E-1899-47A6-BD5D-D06FA0AC0EDD} Property(C): WixUIRMOption = UseRM Property(C): ListenPortDef = 10050 Property(C): ServerActiveDef = Property(C): ALLUSERS = 1 Property(C): ARPNOREPAIR = yes Property(C): ProgramFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\ Property(C): SourceDir = C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\ Property(C): NONMSISERVCMD = "c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\zabbix_agent2.exe" -c "c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\zabbix_agent2.conf" -f=false Property(C): ROOTDIR = C:\ Property(C): INSTALLLEVEL = 200 Property(C): ARPPRODUCTICON = zabbix_icon.ico Property(C): ARPCONTACT = https://www.zabbix.com Property(C): ARPHELPLINK = https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/6.0/manual/concepts/agent Property(C): ARPURLUPDATEINFO = https://www.zabbix.com/download_agents Property(C): ARPURLINFOABOUT = https://www.zabbix.com/community Property(C): FILE_PREFIX_VB = zabbix_agent2 Property(C): PROG_NAME_VB = Zabbix Agent 2 Property(C): Quote = " Property(C): MULTILINE_PROPS_VB = Include ; Property(C): MULTILINE_EXCLUD_VALUE_VB = .\zabbix_agent2.d\plugins.d\*.conf Property(C): VALIDATE_INCLUDE_VB = Include Property(C): Manufacturer = Zabbix SIA Property(C): ProductCode = {232618C8-B75E-40B0-B9B3-7BD2F0255B5D} Property(C): ProductLanguage = 1033 Property(C): ProductName = Zabbix Agent 2 (64-bit) Property(C): ProductVersion = Property(C): DefaultUIFont = WixUI_Font_Normal Property(C): WixUI_Mode = FeatureTree Property(C): ErrorDialog = ErrorDlg Property(C): SecureCustomProperties = ARPNOREPAIR;WIX_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED;WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED Property(C): MsiHiddenProperties = TLSPSKVALUE Property(C): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\zabbix_install.log Property(C): PackageCode = {CE62EA36-51B3-484A-A636-4E1A65808452} Property(C): ProductState = -1 Property(C): PackagecodeChanging = 1 Property(C): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads Property(C): CLIENTUILEVEL = 0 Property(C): CLIENTPROCESSID = 25428 Property(C): MsiSystemRebootPending = 1 Property(C): VersionDatabase = 200 Property(C): VersionMsi = 5.00 Property(C): VersionNT = 603 Property(C): VersionNT64 = 603 Property(C): WindowsBuild = 9600 Property(C): ServicePackLevel = 0 Property(C): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0 Property(C): MsiNTProductType = 3 Property(C): MsiNTSuiteDataCenter = 1 Property(C): WindowsFolder = C:\Windows\ Property(C): WindowsVolume = C:\ Property(C): System64Folder = C:\Windows\system32\ Property(C): SystemFolder = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ Property(C): RemoteAdminTS = 1 Property(C): TempFolder = C:\Users\USENAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ Property(C): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\ Property(C): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ Property(C): CommonFiles64Folder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\ Property(C): AppDataFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ Property(C): FavoritesFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\Favorites\ Property(C): NetHoodFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\ Property(C): PersonalFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\ Property(C): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\ Property(C): RecentFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\ Property(C): SendToFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\ Property(C): TemplateFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\ Property(C): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\ProgramData\ Property(C): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\ Property(C): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Users\USERNAME\Pictures\ Property(C): AdminToolsFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ Property(C): StartupFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Property(C): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ Property(C): StartMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ Property(C): DesktopFolder = C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ Property(C): FontsFolder = C:\Windows\Fonts\ Property(C): GPTSupport = 1 Property(C): OLEAdvtSupport = 1 Property(C): ShellAdvtSupport = 1 Property(C): MsiAMD64 = 6 Property(C): Msix64 = 6 Property(C): Intel = 6 Property(C): PhysicalMemory = 71552 Property(C): VirtualMemory = 31955 Property(C): AdminUser = 1 Property(C): MsiTrueAdminUser = 1 Property(C): LogonUser = USERNAME Property(C): UserSID = S-1-5-21-3898430244-2089194070-3444327091-1069114 Property(C): UserLanguageID = 1033 Property(C): ComputerName = COMPUTERNAME Property(C): SystemLanguageID = 1033 Property(C): ScreenX = 1894 Property(C): ScreenY = 919 Property(C): CaptionHeight = 23 Property(C): BorderTop = 1 Property(C): BorderSide = 1 Property(C): MsiTabletPC = 1 Property(C): TextHeight = 16 Property(C): TextInternalLeading = 3 Property(C): ColorBits = 32 Property(C): TTCSupport = 1 Property(C): Time = 9:19:47 Property(C): Date = 4/28/2022 Property(C): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 4.8.3761.0 Property(C): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 6.3.17763.1 Property(C): RedirectedDllSupport = 2 Property(C): MsiRunningElevated = 1 Property(C): Privileged = 1 Property(C): USERNAME = USERNAME Property(C): COMPANYNAME = PROVIDER Property(C): DATABASE = C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\zabbix_agent2-6.0.3-windows-amd64-openssl.msi Property(C): OriginalDatabase = C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\zabbix_agent2-6.0.3-windows-amd64-openssl.msi Property(C): SOURCEDIR = C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\ Property(C): VersionHandler = 5.00 Property(C): UILevel = 5 Property(C): ACTION = INSTALL Property(C): EXECUTEACTION = INSTALL Property(C): NONMSICONFNAME = c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\zabbix_agent2.conf Property(C): NONMSIPROGNAME = c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\zabbix_agent2.exe === Logging stopped: 4/28/2022 9:19:47 === MSI (c) (54:44) [09:19:47:127]: Product: Zabbix Agent 2 (64-bit) -- Installation failed. MSI (c) (54:44) [09:19:47:127]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Zabbix Agent 2 (64-bit). Product Version: Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Zabbix SIA. Installation success or error status: 1603.
It is expected that the installation works successfully
- part of
ZBXNEXT-7791 Include Sender and Get utilities to Zabbix agent 2 MSI
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