Incident report
Resolution: Fixed
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2.4 on windows
c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent>zabbix_agentd.exe --help Zabbix Agent Win32 (service) v2.4.3 (revision 51166) (15 December 2014) usage: zabbix_agentd.exe [-Vhp] [-idsx] [-m] [-c <config-file>] [-t <item key>] Options: -c --config <config-file> Absolute path to the configuration file -p --print Print known items and exit -t --test <item key> Test specified item and exit -h --help Display help information -V --version Display version number Functions: -i --install Install Zabbix agent as service -d --uninstall Uninstall Zabbix agent from service -s --start Start Zabbix agent service -x --stop Stop Zabbix agent service -m --multiple-agents Service name will include hostname c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent>zabbix_agentd.exe -V Zabbix Agent Win32 (service) v2.4.3 (revision 51166) (15 December 2014) Compilation time: Dec 15 2014 16:26:59
# ./zabbix_agentd --help Zabbix Agent (daemon) v2.4.3 (revision 51175) (15 December 2014) usage: zabbix_agentd [-Vhp] [-R <runtime option>] [-c <config-file>] [-t <item key>] Options: -c --config <config-file> Absolute path to the configuration file -p --print Print known items and exit -t --test <item key> Test specified item and exit -h --help Display help information -V --version Display version number -R --runtime-control <option> Perform administrative functions Runtime control options: log_level_increase=<target> Increase log level, affect all processes if target is not specified log_level_decrease=<target> Decrease log level, affect all processes if target is not specified Log level control targets: <pid> Process identifier <process type> All processes of specified type (e.g., listener) <process type,N> Process type and number (e.g., listener,3) # ./zabbix_agentd -V Zabbix Agent (daemon) v2.4.3 (revision 51175) (15 December 2014) Compilation time: Jan 25 2015 13:29:14
trunk (2.5):
# ./zabbix_agentdtrunk --help usage: zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file] zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file] -p zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file] -t item-key zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file] -R runtime-option zabbix_agentdtrunk -h zabbix_agentdtrunk -V A Zabbix daemon for monitoring of various server parameters. Options: -c --config config-file Absolute path to the configuration file -p --print Print known items and exit -t --test item-key Test specified item and exit -R --runtime-control runtime-option Perform administrative functions Runtime control options: log_level_increase=target Increase log level, affects all processes if target is not specified log_level_decrease=target Decrease log level, affects all processes if target is not specified Log level control targets: pid Process identifier process-type All processes of specified type (e.g., listener) process-type,N Process type and number (e.g., listener,3) -h --help Display this help message -V --version Display version number Example: zabbix_agentd -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf Report bugs to: <https://support.zabbix.com> Zabbix home page: <http://www.zabbix.com> Documentation: <https://www.zabbix.com/documentation> ./zabbix_agentdtrunk -V zabbix_agentd (daemon) (Zabbix) 2.5.0 Revision 51809 11 September 2014, compilation time: Jan 24 2015 01:20:39 Copyright (C) 2015 Zabbix SIA License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it according to the license. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
part of man page, trunk (2.5):
ZABBIX_AGENTD(8) System Manager's Manual ZABBIX_AGENTD(8) NAME zabbix_agentd - Zabbix agent daemon SYNOPSIS zabbix_agentd [-c config-file] zabbix_agentd [-c config-file] -p zabbix_agentd [-c config-file] -t item-key zabbix_agentd [-c config-file] -R runtime-option zabbix_agentd -h zabbix_agentd -V DESCRIPTION zabbix_agentd is a daemon for monitoring of various server parameters. OPTIONS -c, --config config-file Use the alternate config-file instead of the default one. Absolute path should be specified. -R, --runtime-control runtime-option Perform administrative functions according to runtime-option. Runtime control options log_level_increase[=target] Increase log level, affects all processes if target is not specified log_level_decrease[=target] Decrease log level, affects all processes if target is not specified Log level control targets pid Process identifier process-type All processes of specified type (e.g., listener) process-type,N Process type and number (e.g., listener,3) -p, --print