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  2. ZBX-9274

Some unification for agent doc and agent help


      Some data is below, what suggested to be changed - is described below in sub issues:
      2.4 on windows

      c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent>zabbix_agentd.exe --help
      Zabbix Agent Win32 (service) v2.4.3 (revision 51166) (15 December 2014)
      usage: zabbix_agentd.exe [-Vhp] [-idsx] [-m] [-c <config-file>] [-t <item key>]
        -c --config <config-file>       Absolute path to the configuration file
        -p --print                      Print known items and exit
        -t --test <item key>            Test specified item and exit
        -h --help                       Display help information
        -V --version                    Display version number
        -i --install          Install Zabbix agent as service
        -d --uninstall        Uninstall Zabbix agent from service
        -s --start            Start Zabbix agent service
        -x --stop             Stop Zabbix agent service
        -m --multiple-agents  Service name will include hostname
      c:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent>zabbix_agentd.exe -V
      Zabbix Agent Win32 (service) v2.4.3 (revision 51166) (15 December 2014)
      Compilation time: Dec 15 2014 16:26:59


      # ./zabbix_agentd --help
      Zabbix Agent (daemon) v2.4.3 (revision 51175) (15 December 2014)
      usage: zabbix_agentd [-Vhp] [-R <runtime option>] [-c <config-file>] [-t <item key>]
        -c --config <config-file>       Absolute path to the configuration file
        -p --print                      Print known items and exit
        -t --test <item key>            Test specified item and exit
        -h --help                       Display help information
        -V --version                    Display version number
        -R --runtime-control <option>   Perform administrative functions
      Runtime control options:
        log_level_increase=<target>     Increase log level, affect all processes if target is not specified
        log_level_decrease=<target>     Decrease log level, affect all processes if target is not specified
      Log level control targets:
        <pid>                           Process identifier
        <process type>                  All processes of specified type (e.g., listener)
        <process type,N>                Process type and number (e.g., listener,3)
      # ./zabbix_agentd -V
      Zabbix Agent (daemon) v2.4.3 (revision 51175) (15 December 2014)
      Compilation time: Jan 25 2015 13:29:14

      trunk (2.5):

      # ./zabbix_agentdtrunk --help
             zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file]
             zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file] -p
             zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file] -t item-key
             zabbix_agentdtrunk [-c config-file] -R runtime-option
             zabbix_agentdtrunk -h
             zabbix_agentdtrunk -V
      A Zabbix daemon for monitoring of various server parameters.
        -c --config config-file               Absolute path to the configuration file
        -p --print                            Print known items and exit
        -t --test item-key                    Test specified item and exit
        -R --runtime-control runtime-option   Perform administrative functions
          Runtime control options:
            log_level_increase=target         Increase log level, affects all processes if target is not specified
            log_level_decrease=target         Decrease log level, affects all processes if target is not specified
            Log level control targets:
              pid                             Process identifier
              process-type                    All processes of specified type (e.g., listener)
              process-type,N                  Process type and number (e.g., listener,3)
        -h --help                             Display this help message
        -V --version                          Display version number
      Example: zabbix_agentd -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
      Report bugs to: <https://support.zabbix.com>
      Zabbix home page: <http://www.zabbix.com>
      Documentation: <https://www.zabbix.com/documentation>
      ./zabbix_agentdtrunk -V
      zabbix_agentd (daemon) (Zabbix) 2.5.0
      Revision 51809 11 September 2014, compilation time: Jan 24 2015 01:20:39
      Copyright (C) 2015 Zabbix SIA
      License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
      This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it according to the license.
      There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

      part of man page, trunk (2.5):

      ZABBIX_AGENTD(8)                                                   System Manager's Manual                                                  ZABBIX_AGENTD(8)
             zabbix_agentd - Zabbix agent daemon
             zabbix_agentd [-c config-file]
             zabbix_agentd [-c config-file] -p
             zabbix_agentd [-c config-file] -t item-key
             zabbix_agentd [-c config-file] -R runtime-option
             zabbix_agentd -h
             zabbix_agentd -V
             zabbix_agentd is a daemon for monitoring of various server parameters.
             -c, --config config-file
                    Use the alternate config-file instead of the default one.  Absolute path should be specified.
             -R, --runtime-control runtime-option
                    Perform administrative functions according to runtime-option.
                 Runtime control options
                         Increase log level, affects all processes if target is not specified
                         Decrease log level, affects all processes if target is not specified
                 Log level control targets
                     pid Process identifier
                         All processes of specified type (e.g., listener)
                         Process type and number (e.g., listener,3)
             -p, --print

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            zalex_ua Oleksii Zagorskyi
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