New Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
Sprint 83 (Dec 2021), Sprint 84 (Jan 2022), Sprint 85 (Feb 2022)
Just tried alerts for internal events and I'm disappointed...
One of the reasons is that in Zabbix frontend (in "Info" column) I can see detailed and very useful info why item/trigger is not_supported/unknown.
But I cannot include this information in alerts and I must log into frontend to check what is wrong, while having such information directly in alerts I would be able to see that I could ignore such cases.
For example when Zabbix agent in maintenance I get internal alerts that all the "agent's passive" triggers became Unknown and I don't have any other details, while all the triggers have simply "Agent is unavailable." error message, which is not so serious.
... or when for just added item+trigger the trigger has error message "Cannot evaluate function "Zabbix server:agent.ping.nodata(5m)": item does not have enough data after server start or item creati"
(128 chars limit - trimmed)
I'd be happy to have macros like {ITEM.STATE.ERROR}, {LLDRULE.STATE.ERROR}, {TRIGGER.STATE.ERROR} and use them in corresponding action for internal events.
These macros can get information from database easily (column "error").
- is duplicated by
ZBXNEXT-3212 Internal Action Macro for Item Not Supported Reason
- Closed
ZBXNEXT-6664 Get Item latest error info
- Closed
ZBXNEXT-2596 Internal notifications should send the reason why an item became unsupported
- Closed