Change Request
Resolution: Won't fix
The new option to not have ALL on drop downs is a HUGE HELP as loading pages with ALL set was killing us. But would like to have All option for some things. Now when we set option to "None" the default is Not Selected which is perfect, but then I can't select ALL when I want to, such as when searching for triggers or events, where ALL might make sense.
Ideally this is an option, such as:
Deafult: None, All, 1.6 Comp Mode
Include All: Y/N
Then when we are even larger, we'll turn off All for safety
There are also places in groups we want to select All, such as Monitor - Events; I want to select a group and then have ALL for hosts, but even the above is not granular enough - ideally some day can choose where "All" can appear, by screen or at least drop down (e.g. ALL in hosts, but not in groups).
- is duplicated by
ZBXNEXT-1707 add posibility Dropdown second entry
- Closed
ZBX-2405 No way to select 'All' hosts or hostgroups from Monitoring -> Triggers/Events
- Closed
ZBX-6780 Zabbix UI performance navigation improvement: All AND None for dropdown selection; with defaults
- Closed
ZBX-7527 Monitoring -> Overview default to group 'all'
- Closed
ZBX-15492 maintenance.php - lost ability to search "all"
- Closed