
    • Sprint 35, Sprint 36, Sprint 37, Sprint 38, Sprint 39, Sprint 40, Sprint 41, Sprint 42, Sprint 43, Sprint 44, Sprint 45, Sprint 46, Nov 2018, Sprint 47, Dec 2018, Sprint 48, Jan 2019
    • 14.5

      The core functionality is to create a new type of widget that will be flexible enough for the most use cases required for ad-hoc graphing.

      The new widget must support:

      1. Server-side SVG based graph generation
      2. Ability to select set of items for graphing using one or more conditions:
        1. Host and item name
        2. Both host and item name will support character '*' for pattern matching
      3. Ability to overwrite graphing options for a set of items selected using one or more conditions:
        1. Host and item name
        2. Both host and item name will support character '*' for pattern matching
      4. Each data set will support the following options
        1. Draw type: Lines, Points, Staircase
          1. Additional optional attributes for different draw types:
            1. Filled (0-10, 5 (30%) is default): fill it, available for Lines
            2. Radius (3 is default): available for Points.
        2. Color: selection of color
        3. Width (0-10, 1 is default): line width
        4. Transparency (0-10, 5 (50%) is default): transparency level.
        5. Y axis: Left (default), Right
        6. Time shift: none (default) or using format like -1h, 1h, -1d, -1m, etc.
        7. Time period: none (default) or override using Time from and Time to.
        8. Options to support missing data. Gaps will be calculated as lack of data exceeding three times average distance between time stamps (the algorithm may be adjusted later on).
          1. None: leave gap empty
          2. Connected: connect two border values
          3. Treat as 0: display as 0 values
      5. The widget will support the following options:
        1. Legend can be displayed in two modes:
          1. None: no legend is displayed
          2. Short (default): short legend is displayed under graph
        2. Ability to select set of problems for displaying as highlighted area using one or more conditions:
          1. None: no problems displayed
          2. Selected metrics (default), by host, by severity, by trigger tags (including choice of AND/OR), by problem name.
        3. Optional attributes for left and right Y axis, per axis:
          1. Min and max values: calculated (default), fixed value
          2. Display axis: show (default), hide
        4. Optional attributes for X axis:
          1. Display axis: show (default), hide
        5. A tooltip will be display additional information on mouse over:
          1. Displayed data point: all values for current X coordinate
          2. Problem area: details of all for the point on area
        6. Selection of history data:
          1. Auto (default): automatically as implemented currently
          2. History: all data is taken from history
          3. Trends: all data is taken from trends
        7. Options to display left and right Y axis units, per axis
          1. Auto: values will be displayed using units of the first item
          2. Static: overwrite units with given string

      Support of macros $1-$9 in item names must be removed in order to make pattern matching work.

      The widget configuration form must be optimized for making one-click modifications without forcing users to use hierarchical controls, if possible. That is why, for example, Lines and Staircase made as separate drawing types.

        1. (152).png
          79 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        2. (152).txt
          13 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        3. 4588_sbox.PNG
          44 kB
          Andzs Auders
        4. big-error-width.png
          98 kB
          Andzs Auders
        5. comboboxes-after.png
          15 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        6. comboboxes-before.png
          15 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        7. content_width_error.gif
          674 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        8. crispEdges.png
          40 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        9. data-points-hover.png
          10 kB
          Andzs Auders
        10. date_on_graph.png
          97 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        11. date_space.png
          53 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        12. disabled_item.png
          53 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        13. displaying20of50.png
          42 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        14. edge_undefined.png
          75 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        15. empty-hintbox.png
          4 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        16. ff_tooltip.gif
          776 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        17. fill_ordering_not_responding.png
          98 kB
          Andzs Auders
        18. fill.png
          77 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        19. graph_granulation_1.png
          57 kB
          Andzs Auders
        20. graph_granulation_2.png
          62 kB
          Andzs Auders
        21. graph_jumps.gif
          8.13 MB
          Natalja Romancaka
        22. grey-clock-icon.png
          2 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        23. hc-theme-overrides.png
          9 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        24. headroom.png
          169 kB
          Giedrius Stasiulionis
        25. hintbox_debug.png
          70 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        26. hintbox-size.png
          5 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        27. hint-with-no-value.png
          4 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        28. hover.gif
          3.55 MB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        29. hover.gif
          3.55 MB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        30. hover2.gif
          6.58 MB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        31. incorrect-footnote-in-tooltip.png
          10 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        32. incorrect-left-axis-value.png
          18 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        33. line_ff.gif
          646 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        34. max-left-axis-value.png
          20 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        35. min-left-axis-value.png
          20 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        36. minmax.png
          97 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        37. misalign.png
          11 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        38. missing_value.png
          22 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        39. missing-v-axes.png
          7 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        40. no_space_for_date.png
          10 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        41. noaxes_nodata.png
          30 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        42. nodata.png
          40 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        43. number_rounding.png
          66 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        44. numbers_too_close.png
          15 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        45. one_value_with_footer.png
          19 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        46. outside_graph.png
          33 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        47. points_0.9.png
          131 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        48. problem_5_min.png
          105 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        49. problem_line.png
          69 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        50. problem_red_line.gif
          650 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        51. revers-fill.png
          77 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        52. sad_graphs.png
          70 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        53. sbox_selection.gif
          5.59 MB
          Natalja Romancaka
        54. sBox-hiding.png
          43 kB
          Andzs Auders
        55. Screenshot_6.png
          33 kB
          peter erbst
        56. second_graph_color.gif
          414 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        57. Selection_040.png
          97 kB
          Larisa Grigorjeva
        58. Selection_041.png
          133 kB
          Larisa Grigorjeva
        59. short_legend.png
          22 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        60. strange-endings-of-the-graph-curve.png
          10 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        61. strange-endings-of-the-graph-curve-1.png
          10 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        62. strange-endings-of-the-graph-curve-2.png
          9 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        63. suffixed-agent-ping.png
          7 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        64. time-override-icon.png
          16 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        65. time-period-tab.png
          7 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        66. tooltip_scroll.gif
          3.94 MB
          Natalja Romancaka
        67. transparency_loss.png
          102 kB
          Andzs Auders
        68. trapp_last_6_hours.gif
          697 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        69. trapper_values.png
          30 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        70. treat_as_0_y_axis.png
          51 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        71. treataszerostaircase.png
          47 kB
          Andzs Auders
        72. trends.png
          83 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        73. two_points.png
          78 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        74. value_null.png
          28 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        75. widget-header-icons.png
          1 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        76. with_crispEdges.png
          9 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        77. without_crispEdges.png
          9 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        78. y_axis.png
          90 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        79. y-axis_and_line.png
          9 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        80. y-axis_right.png
          22 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        81. y-axis-missung-values.png
          14 kB
          Alexander Vladishev
        82. y-labels-111.png
          3 kB
          Miks Kronkalns
        83. zero_on_y.png
          47 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        84. zoom.gif
          1.85 MB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks

            Miks.Kronkalns Miks Kronkalns
            palivoda Rostislav Palivoda
            Team B
            11 Vote for this issue
            26 Start watching this issue
