New Feature Request
Resolution: Won't fix
1.8.2, 1.8.3
I'm on RHEL
I realize that the default agent config is setup to make someone's first time using zabbix a bit easier, because it just 'works'. But thought I'd put it out there that it would be nice if it actually worked for everyone better in the long term. That is one working agent setup out of someone's entire install base (which for us is several hundred, and about to grow quite a bit)
As far as I can tell as of the 1.8 branch the Hostname config directive has a default of the system's uname nodename (or whatever windows would call this). Thus I think it would be nice to just comment out the directive. You can leave the "Zabbix Server" content in place, and just document that for the new user, would help them be familiar with the process too.
I feel the same way about the Server directive. Maybe set the default value to, and comment it out? This covers the new user's initial setup, but can also be useful to those of us who do customizations.
I'd go so far as to say that if ZBXNEXT-497 is fixed, I would enable the Include directive by default, which would also make the above options brilliant for distribution purposes.
- is duplicated by
ZBX-7211 Annoing "Hostname" value in agent's default config
- Closed