Uploaded image for project: 'ZABBIX FEATURE REQUESTS'
  2. ZBXNEXT-6687

Easily filter "Latest Data" using tags


    • Icon: New Feature Request New Feature Request
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 6.0.0rc1, 6.0 (plan)
    • None
    • Frontend (F)
    • None
    • Sprint 82 (Nov 2021), Sprint 83 (Dec 2021), Sprint 84 (Jan 2022), Sprint 85 (Feb 2022)
    • 4

      It would be nice if the Latest Data page could be filtered more easily by clicking a tag. For each tag clicked, an additional tag filter should be added.

      For instance:

      1. Click on tag: "Customer:XYZ"
        Applies filter: Tags: "Customer" contains "XYZ"
      1. Click on tag: "Service:ABC"
        Applies filter: Tags: "Service" contains "ABC"

      Eventually there would be 2 tag-filters applied.

      This should make it a little easier to drill down to a specific set of items you want to see the latest status of without having to enter them by hand in the filter fields on top of the page.

        1. mockup1.png
          62 kB
          Alexei Vladishev
        2. mockup2.png
          73 kB
          Alexei Vladishev
        3. image-2021-10-21-14-50-24-708.png
          5 kB
          Justin Addams
        4. image-2021-10-21-15-59-44-182.png
          18 kB
          Justin Addams
        5. Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 10.03.26.png
          363 kB
          Nathan Liefting
        6. image-2022-01-07-13-35-48-081.png
          7 kB
          Ivo Kurzemnieks
        7. Peek 2022-01-12 17-51.gif
          491 kB
          Larisa Grigorjeva
        8. Peek 2022-01-12 18-07.gif
          797 kB
          Larisa Grigorjeva
        9. 2022-01-25 15.16.48.gif
          892 kB
          Brian van Baekel
        10. screen1.jpeg
          532 kB
          Brian van Baekel
        11. image-2022-01-26-13-36-42-825.png
          2.20 MB
          Brian van Baekel
        12. image.jpeg
          532 kB
          Alexei Vladishev
        13. Screenshot 2022-01-26 at 18.23.11.png
          83 kB
          Nathan Liefting
        14. Screenshot 2022-01-26 at 18.23.57.png
          46 kB
          Nathan Liefting
        15. Peek 2022-01-28 16-06.gif
          1.84 MB
          Larisa Grigorjeva
        16. image-2022-01-31-16-26-31-725.png
          103 kB
          Brian van Baekel

            Miks.Kronkalns Miks Kronkalns
            frank Frank
            Team B
            18 Vote for this issue
            29 Start watching this issue
