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  2. ZBXNEXT-8211

New item value type Binary


    • Sprint 96 (Jan 2023), Sprint 97 (Feb 2023), Sprint 98 (Mar 2023), Sprint 99 (Apr 2023), Sprint 100 (May 2023), Sprint 101 (Jun 2023)
    • 10

      We need to introduce a new value type (aka Type of information) Binary. It must be stored as a blob in a new table history_binary. The first (and the only, for now) use for this type is to store screenshots from browser tests.

      It's understood that introducing a new value type is a lot of work in all components so we need to reduce the scope of the changes to as narrow as possible. We also need to keep the number of design decisions to the minimum. For instance, rather than figuring out how triggers should work with the Binary type, we can state that triggers do not support this type and thus can be kept off value cache.

      Other functionality we can now sacrifice in the name of narrow scope is preprocessing and support for item types other than Dependent (thus, no need to support it in agents, SNMP, sender, etc). In the UI/API we must also figure how to get away with as few changes as possible (e.g. Items form apparently needs to be changed, but no need to invent how to get and display history in Latest data, just string "binary" is enough).

      Please research this change request and:

      • Evaluate the impact and list all components/areas that need to be changed
      • Estimate development efforts
      • List limitations that are worth introducing to limit the scope

        1. 7F.png
          6 kB
          Gregory Chalenko
        2. CX.jpg
          170 kB
          Artjoms Rimdjonoks
        3. def1.png
          81 kB
          Tomass Olups
        4. def2.png
          87 kB
          Tomass Olups
        5. example1.png
          80 kB
          Tomass Olups
        6. image-2023-02-09-18-08-24-494.png
          296 kB
          Gatis Rumbens
        7. image-2023-03-22-18-07-54-272.png
          39 kB
          Janis Freibergs
        8. remove_ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_MAX_patch.txt
          14 kB
          Andris Mednis
        9. screenshot-1.png
          22 kB
          Janis Freibergs
        10. screenshot-2.png
          9 kB
          Janis Freibergs
        11. Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 18.41.54.png
          256 kB
          Alex Kalimulin
        12. Screenshot 2023-04-20 at 14.18.08.png
          683 kB
          Artjoms Rimdjonoks
        13. screenshot-3.png
          15 kB
          Janis Freibergs
        14. zabbix_wcache_values_bin.patch.txt
          2 kB
          Andris Mednis

            arimdjonoks Artjoms Rimdjonoks
            Kalimulin Alex Kalimulin
            Team D
            0 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
