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Add AGPLv3 to Agent MSI installer for v7.0+ZBXNEXT-9169
Honeycomb widget - color interpolation changesZBXNEXT-9168
Convert to new software license AGPL-3.0-onlyZBXNEXT-9167
Browser monitoring: TemplateZBXNEXT-9166
Browser monitoring: FrontendZBXNEXT-9155
'Override host' field in widgetsZBXNEXT-9150
Browser monitoring: BackendZBXNEXT-9149
Extend proc.get[] to get PSS (proportional set size) memory on LinuxZBXNEXT-9138
zabbix fails to work with recent versions of mysql_aurora - "content_type" column name is reservedZBXNEXT-9132
Agent1/Agent2 protocol unificationZBXNEXT-9121
Remove experimental status from Streaming featureZBXNEXT-9117
Update MariaDB maximum supported version to 11.3ZBXNEXT-9109
Zabbix server identityZBXNEXT-9108
Software update check changes on Zabbix serverZBXNEXT-9104
Frontend changes to CyberArk configurationZBXNEXT-9103
Consider other 2xx response codes as success for the streaming exportZBXNEXT-9098
AWS ELB Network Load BalancerZBXNEXT-9097
Change the width of the dashboard widgets in the templatesZBXNEXT-9096
Remove experimental flag from PDF reportingZBXNEXT-9083
Update discovery rules in templatesZBXNEXT-9077
CyberArk Integration custom endpointZBXNEXT-9063
Add a variable `metadata` in JavaScripts for AWS templatesZBXNEXT-9057
Software update checkZBXNEXT-9048
Add Dependency-Track Pipeline stage for MSSQL Plugin SBOM ingestionZBXNEXT-9047
Update navigation icons for main menuZBXNEXT-9044
Change dashboard constantsZBXNEXT-9039
Add Go compiler version to agent 2 version loadable plugins outputZBXNEXT-9038
Zabbix 7.0 planZBXNEXT-9026
Add Go compiler version to agent 2 version outputZBXNEXT-9024
Agents CapacityZBXNEXT-9019
Add explanation to documentation about "Disabled" host behaviorZBXNEXT-9012
Support TimescaleDB 2.14ZBXNEXT-9005
Create hosts group by Host prototypeZBXNEXT-9004
Calculating the trigger value when throttlingZBXNEXT-9003
Using Operational data as LAST value.ZBXNEXT-8997
Ember+ pluginZBXNEXT-8984
Add support for MySQL 8.3ZBXNEXT-8983
Update MariaDB maximum supported version to 11.2ZBXNEXT-8977
Frontend changes for hardening Zabbix server securityZBXNEXT-8975
Update main menu iconsZBXNEXT-8970
Faster action execution on ServerZBXNEXT-8968
Downtime CalculatorZBXNEXT-8963
Instant reaction to host maintenance changeZBXNEXT-8958
AWS ELB Application Load BalancerZBXNEXT-8956
Enable communication framework for existing widgetsZBXNEXT-8947
Template for mssql pluginZBXNEXT-8938
Frontend changes HA for proxiesZBXNEXT-8928
Integration with checkpointZBXNEXT-8925
Set PHP 8.0 as minimum version in Zabbix 7.0ZBXNEXT-8918
Frontend changes to disable entities marked for deletion by LLD
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