Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- ZBX-15833
In overlay popups with scrollbar, the right side of content is not visible. - ZBX-15830
Macro is not resolved in Maps if it inherits its value from a user defined Macro - ZBX-15825
Hintboxes appears above later opened overlay dialogs. - ZBX-15814
Unable to import host/template after item value type is changed - ZBX-15801
The name of upper level map in two lines in breadcrumbs - ZBX-15796
No error message when mandatory field "User Password" is left blank in LDAP settings view - ZBX-15784
Multiselect doesn't support case sensitive auto-complete. - ZBX-15779
Missing host name in tooltip on trigger overview page - ZBX-15776
Can't enable/disable event correlation from the list - ZBX-15932
Breadcrumbs are broken on FF Linux - ZBX-15772
Dis-positioning of the Error message sign for Graph, Graph (classic) and Map widgets in Edge and IE - ZBX-15768
Line above the widgets is longer than widgets themselves in Global Search window - ZBX-15882
Dashboard widget flickering - ZBX-15864
Time units in "Time period selector" - ZBX-15849
Confusing format of "Prev. time" in preprocessing testing - ZBX-15797
Submap doesn't open in map widget - ZBX-15778
Wrong filtering by "Age less than" and "Show suppressed problems" in trigger overview - ZBX-15862
Wrong error message when sending too much preprocessing data to server - ZBX-15848
Undocumented behavior of custom multiplier preprocessing step - ZBX-15929
zabbix triggers sending message
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