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- ZBX-21657
API param 'query_fields' can be saved with an empty value - ZBX-21654
Fatal error when filtering with incorrect time format in From/To field. - ZBX-21615
Backslash is not escaped in macro value when it's resolved in trigger expression string parameter - ZBX-21669
It is not possible to filter Audit log records by user "System" - ZBX-21664
Sigserv on database upgrade from 5.0 to 6.0 - ZBX-21536
Backslash is not escaped when using trigger wizard - ZBX-21534
Incorrect backslash escaping in trigger expression - ZBX-21606
Allowed hosts field in HTTP agent item always displayed - ZBX-21605
Undefined index in CControllerPopupMediatypeMessage and CControllerPopupMedia - ZBX-21568
Zabbix crashing daily (Got signal SIGSEGV. Crashing) - ZBX-21618
Using a long 'discovery rule' name and 'host prototype' name breaks page layout - ZBX-21663
Timeselector tab switches to the main tab if problem.view page is changed - ZBX-21659
MS Teams webhook doesn't no about event source type 4 - ZBX-21554
Incorrect region handling for location us-east-1 in AWS by HTTP template
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