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- ZBX-18761
Crash in IPC deserialize - ZBX-18694
Zabbix proxy poller\unreachable poller crash in zbx_tls_close - ZBX-18688
Missing Database Schema field in setup.php if the only possible DB type is PostgreSQL - ZBX-18755
Out of memory occurs on platforms where size_t is 8 bytes - ZBX-18660
SNMP index returned as number instead of string if there is backslash "\" - ZBX-18623
Number of entries are shown for non-accessible configuration links in global search page. - ZBX-18486
Screen inherited from a linked template is present on the full clone of the template - ZBX-18423
Inconsistent behaviour with Oracle DB compared with other databases when using zbx_db_is_null() check - ZBX-18422
"Zabbix server is not running" warning message incorrect alignment in Zabbix 4.0 - ZBX-18865
Wrong result of dbConditionInt (db.inc.php) for some conditions - ZBX-18893
Make config files with db password unreadable by zabbix daemons - ZBX-18884
In web.page.get no size restrictions on the input domain name - ZBX-18219
Custom Multiplier using LLD Macro in expression - ZBX-17865
Problem page has no scroll if problem name is long - ZBX-17703
After database service stop and start, problem occured time and recovery time reversed - ZBX-18784
Memory leak in vmware_service_put_event_data - ZBX-18662
Out of memory due to large stack allocations of 4427776 bytes in Poller - ZBX-18556
Graphs for repeated hour during winter time change missing date labels - ZBX-18796
item.update produces useless delete and update statements for item_preproc table - ZBX-18644
active check configuration update from [myhostname.com:10051] started to fail (gethostbyname() failed for 'myhostname.com: [3] Unknown server error) - ZBX-18942
CControllerAuthenticationUpdate controller is not protected by a CSRF token (CVE-2021-27927) - ZBX-16216
A huge number of open semaphores (zabbix-agent) - ZBX-18802
Task manager constantly busy with close_problem task if trigger or event no longer exists.
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