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- ZBXNEXT-5734
Introduce commonly used built-in functions to JavaScript preprocessing and webhooks - ZBXNEXT-5821
Create Memcached monitoring Template - ZBXNEXT-5811
Find & Replace preprocessing frontend changes - ZBXNEXT-5738
Support TimescaleDB native compression in Zabbix (frontend) - ZBXNEXT-5596
Move SNMP connection-related attributes to host interface level (Frontend part) - ZBXNEXT-5569
Vertical menu to save space on big screens - ZBXNEXT-5527
Create IPMI template for Supermicro and HP ILO - ZBXNEXT-5720
Monitoring→Latest data must select and display information if filter is not set - ZBXNEXT-5676
Support TimescaleDB native compression in Zabbix - ZBXNEXT-5691
increase 'float' precision & data length (frontend) - ZBXNEXT-5685
Create MySQL monitoring plugin (Go Agent) - ZBXNEXT-5786
HTTP user agents are outdated - ZBXNEXT-5608
Add host configuration to the GO TO Menu on Dashboard - ZBXNEXT-5829
Investigate uint64 hash function replacement - ZBXNEXT-5641
Frontend changes to add support for using SSL when connecting to database - ZBXNEXT-4829
Change web setup wizard to not create/drop tables for DB connectivity test purposes. - ZBXNEXT-5725
Ability to select specific severities in Monitoring->Problems - ZBXNEXT-5369
Macro like {EVENT.TAGS} that expands to JSON format - ZBXNEXT-1169
Redesign of Acknowledge page - ZBXNEXT-4712
Add new "Find & Replace" preprocessing step - ZBXNEXT-1961
Database monitor ODBC connections should be dynamic without involving odbc.ini - ZBXNEXT-1736
increase 'float' precision & data length - ZBXNEXT-2753
Add support for using SSL when connecting to database (backend) - ZBXNEXT-252
New Recovery message Macro: {TRIGGER_IN_PREV_STATE}
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