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Move Jira webhook with custom fields example to documentation sectionZBX-18340
Runtime command diaginfo option is missing from server/proxy command line helpZBX-18314
Wrong description of uri in zabbix agent 2 mysql templateZBX-18261
Improve Latest Data performanceZBX-18250
Make link to 'Web monitoring' page in context menu with filtering parametersZBX-18243
zabbix-agent2.service fails to start on Centos 7ZBX-18218
zabbix not comunicate to opsgenieZBX-18174
Host macro updates when linking templates on server is broken with Oracle DBZBX-18170
LLD override still creates an empty applicationZBX-18167
Operations block in LLD overrides enlarges the popupZBX-18152
Wrong menu option when opening template screensZBX-18131
Zabbix 5.0 Jira with CF webhook multiple issuesZBX-18121
SSH monitoring with sshkey and sshpassphrase on libssh failsZBX-18067
Inconsistent behavior of dynamic graph and graph prototype widgets if the selected host doesn't have the graph that the widget should displayZBX-18065
Zabbix Agent2 does not show usage of help flagZBX-17927
Zabbix Agent 2 user parameters not initialized for key testingZBX-17906
HTTP agent breaks with JSON over HTTP/2ZBX-17848
Fix fping interval detection and confusing documentation of ICMP checks intervalZBX-17657
Inconsistent server and frontend DB SSL parametersZBX-17364
The path "templates/db/mysql" does not exist at revision "refs/heads/master"ZBX-15904
VMwareCacheSize overflowing issue
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