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zabbix_sender will show host name or IP address of Zabbix Server or ProxyZBXNEXT-5114
Improve JavaScript code editor in item preprocessingZBXNEXT-5109
Save preprocessing testing input value between testing sessionsZBXNEXT-5105
Context menu on Trigger Name in Event Details pageZBXNEXT-5083
Frontend changes for LLD rule dependant on item valueZBXNEXT-5081
Support of preprocessing by Zabbix ProxyZBXNEXT-5069
Zabbix Infra Migration to GIT still a go ?ZBXNEXT-5046
Non-destructive resizing and reordering of dashboard widgetsZBXNEXT-5037
Skip paramerter for vmware.eventlog keyZBXNEXT-5016
Extend preprocessing error messagesZBXNEXT-5013
TimescaleDB - further improvementsZBXNEXT-5012
Frontend changes for preprocessing testingZBXNEXT-5011
Add preprocessing testing optionZBXNEXT-4961
Frontend changes to Prometheus format native supportZBXNEXT-4955
Templates for Zabbix server internal metrics monitoring (subtask)ZBXNEXT-4950
Publish documentation for Zabbix agent build on MacZBXNEXT-4945
Frontend changes for Javascript Preprocessing (subtask)ZBXNEXT-4944
Javascript for preprocessingZBXNEXT-4941
Investigate Oracle bulk update performanceZBXNEXT-4938
Frontend changes to ability to use discovery returned string as hostnameZBXNEXT-4933
Remove the deprecated API features from 4.2ZBXNEXT-4907
Frontend for server/proxy monitoring by external Zabbix instanceZBXNEXT-4898
net.dns does not suport ipv6ZBXNEXT-4894
Improve throttling by using md5 hashZBXNEXT-4883
Trigger in problem state hides all dependent triggers in history viewZBXNEXT-4878
Frontend changes to add support for custom JSON path in LLD macrosZBXNEXT-4877
Add support for custom JSON path in LLD macrosZBXNEXT-4876
Move global search page to MVCZBXNEXT-4873
Graph data set must be changed to 'point' if there is no enough data to draw a line.ZBXNEXT-4868
Support of TimescaleDBZBXNEXT-4865
Prometheus format native supportZBXNEXT-4861
LLD rule dependant on item valueZBXNEXT-4857
Add animated GIF support for Zabbix MapsZBXNEXT-4854
Frontend changes in allow preprocessing in LLD rulesZBXNEXT-4853
Frontend for Mail text as plain/HTML, only on demandZBXNEXT-4841
Configurable path for iconv.h and pthread.hZBXNEXT-4836
Zabbix License update for OpenSSLZBXNEXT-4822
Server side changes to allow matching content in web monitoring headersZBXNEXT-4819
Graph widget containing date & time on hover?..ZBXNEXT-4796
URL parameter for kiosk modeZBXNEXT-4792
Make {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} useful again in Monitoring–>Problems as a live view (fix for LTS Zabbix 4.0)ZBXNEXT-4782
Improve out of memory statisticsZBXNEXT-4742
Front-end changes for advanced preprocessingZBXNEXT-4732
Server-side changes for Host and Template level TagsZBXNEXT-4731
Host and template level tagsZBXNEXT-4730
Front-end changes to Introduce regex based matching for auto-registrationZBXNEXT-4729
Introduce regex based matching for auto-registrationZBXNEXT-4725
Restore "Hosts/Templates" and "Groups" fields in the "Template" tabZBXNEXT-4724
Advanced preprocessing: validation and throttling rules, discarding values and setting errorsZBXNEXT-4723
Server side changes to rename "like" and "=" everywhere in front-end, make operators consistent
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