Change Request
Resolution: Fixed
Sprint 42, Sprint 43, Sprint 44, Sprint 45, Sprint 46, Nov 2018, Sprint 47, Dec 2018, Sprint 48, Jan 2019, Sprint 49 (Feb 2019)
Zabbix Acceptance
Item preprocessing rules will be internally classified as:
- transformation rules: transform input value into output value using function, fail if something goes wrong
- validation rules: validate input value, fail if input value is not valid
New validation rules must be supported (menu → submenu) for items and item prototypes:
- Validation → In range [min] [max]: check that numeric value is in range of 'min' to 'max' (inclusive), fail otherwise
- min, max - optional numeric (can be negative) values, at least one must exist
- Validation → Matches regular expression [regex]: check that value matches 'regex', fail otherwise
- Validation → Does not match regular expression [regex]: check that value does not match 'regex', fail otherwise
- Validation → Check for error in JSON [path]: extract and set error message by JSON path if exists and stop preprocessing; ignore this step otherwise
- Validation → Check for error in XML [path]: extract and set error message by XML xpath if exists and stop preprocessing; ignore this step otherwise
- Validation → Check for error using regular expression [pattern] [output]: extract and error message by regular expression and stop preprocessing; ignore this step otherwise
- For all "Validation → Set error" rules: if an empty error message is returned then it will be replaced with "Returned empty error message" automatically
- Throttling → Discard value if new value is the same as the last one
- Throttling → Discard value if new value is the same as the last one and time difference is less than N seconds [N]
Zabbix user may specify optional "On fail" action for each rule, which will be executed if this rule fails:
- Discard value: preprocessing will stop immediately and Zabbix will ignore the value as it never existed
- Return value + "<value>": Zabbix will set result of preprocessing to <value> and preprocessing will stop
- Set error + "<error message>": preprocessing will fail and error message will be set to provided non empty "<error message>"
- If no action is specified then Set error is executed with internal error message set by Zabbix Server
The following preprocessing rules will never fail:
- Trim, Left trim, Right trim
- Validation → Check for error in JSON
- Validation → Check for error in XML
- Validation → Check for error using regular expression
- Throttling → Discard value if new value is the same as the last one
- Throttling → Discard value if new value is the same as the last one and time difference is less than N seconds
Other transformation and validation rules will fail if (depending on rule):
- no match or failed for whatever reason, also:
- Custom multiplier: not numeric, out of range
- Simple change, Change per second: not numeric, out of range
- Octal to decimal, Hexadecimal to decimal: not octal/hex, out of range
- In range: not numeric
Design of the preprocessing configuration must not be too cluttered, it must be as simple as possible for those who will use this functionality.
When comparing values the new value must be casted to the type (unsigned int, float) of the last value stored in the database. Therefore, new string value "123.00' will be equal to the old numeric value of "123".
Use cases
- Skip erroneous (incorrect, noise) values. It may happen if a counter is not initialized yet (empty or 'N/A')
- Skip out of range values. For example, temperature sensor returns +999C if it is off, normal range is -100C up-to +100C
- Skip values that match some regular expression
- Set a human readable error message in case if a preprocessing rule fails
- Set a human readable message in case if a value is out of range or does not match some pattern. For example, I expect temperature in '[0-9]+C' format
- Process value only if it is changed
- Support of subsampling for dependant items. Master is updated every 10 seconds, a dependant item should be updated every minute
- Collect a value every 10 seconds. Unconditionally process it every 60 seconds (for nice graphs, for example) or if a new value differs from last one for real-time alerting
- Throttling together with
ZBXNEXT-4087- Allow preprocessing of LLD rules OPEN will allow to reduce rule delays without overloading server - Extract error message provided in incoming data. For example, a JSON object may contain field "error". Therefore if the field exists then preprocessing must be able to extract its value and set it as an error message for the item
- Use a default value if input value does not match certain criteria
Open questions
- There is a new functionality to discard values in plan using preprocessing. But it doesn't address problem how to discard temporary errors that happened with items w/o preprocessing. So it will only solve part of such cases. see Preprocessing, throttling and ZBX_ERROR
- caused by
ZBXNEXT-3544 retrieving item values upon events
- Open
ZBXNEXT-1846 do not duplicate identical history values
- Closed
ZBXNEXT-3695 Allow Zabbix agent(active) to report metric to Server instant on value change (state change)
- Closed
- causes
ZBX-15378 Unused parameter warning when compiling server without libxml2
- Closed
- is duplicated by
ZBXNEXT-4016 Extend item preprocessing with subsampling function
- Closed
- part of
ZBXNEXT-4894 Improve throttling by using md5 hash
- Closed