Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Remove TimescaleDB experimental statusZBXNEXT-5482
Merge problems and opdata column in problems widget (patch)ZBXNEXT-5480
Delete classic templates from git as they are replaced.ZBXNEXT-5471
Start using operational data in new Zabbix Templates.ZBXNEXT-5456
Add log rotation supportZBXNEXT-5455
Add aliases supportZBXNEXT-5454
SourceIP, ListenIP and Server support must be addedZBXNEXT-5453
Zabbix Agent2 (Golang PoC for 4.4)ZBXNEXT-5436
Server side changes to support of {EVENT.ID} for trigger URLZBXNEXT-5434
Support of {EVENT.ID} for trigger URLZBXNEXT-5433
Include host name into real-time export filesZBXNEXT-5426
Media type filed "description" chage to "name" in databaseZBXNEXT-5425
Aggregation functions for graphsZBXNEXT-5424
Server side macro: description or commentsZBXNEXT-5422
Add types autoconversion in JSONPath aggregationsZBXNEXT-5420
(frontend) Decommission of Jabber and EZText mediatypesZBXNEXT-5416
Decommission of Jabber and EZText mediatypesZBXNEXT-5409
Extend item preprocessing with CSV parsing function(s) (Frontend)ZBXNEXT-5407
Improve Dashboard edit modeZBXNEXT-5406
Improve default dashboardZBXNEXT-5404
Show trigger descriptionZBXNEXT-5402
Remember last selected widget typeZBXNEXT-5388
Create template for RabbitMQZBXNEXT-5387
Support of webhooks for actions (frontend)ZBXNEXT-5386
Support of webhooks for actionsZBXNEXT-5372
Support of XML import/export for media typesZBXNEXT-5366
Graph prototype widget: Design for header overlapZBXNEXT-5355
Database patch for dataset field update in graph widgetZBXNEXT-5352
Graph prototype widget: MultiSelect fieldsZBXNEXT-5351
Graph prototype widget: PagerZBXNEXT-5346
Frontend changes to extend custom error handling to support more preprocessing rulesZBXNEXT-5344
Extend preprocessing for LLD rules by XML related operationsZBXNEXT-5343
Extend custom error handling to support more preprocessing rulesZBXNEXT-5330
New filtering option in "Host availability" widgetZBXNEXT-5328
New graph widget doesn`t work correctly on items with comma in name.ZBXNEXT-5326
Windows monitoring templateZBXNEXT-5323
Final fix for {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} in Monitoring–>Problems as a live view (Backend)ZBXNEXT-5322
Graph prototype widget: RefreshZBXNEXT-5321
Graph prototype widget: Edit modeZBXNEXT-5320
Graph prototype widget: View modeZBXNEXT-5291
auto-registration with TLS (PSK or certificate) (front end)ZBXNEXT-5281
Make visibility of widget titles configurableZBXNEXT-5258
Template for MySQL/MariaDBZBXNEXT-5257
Template for PostgreSQLZBXNEXT-5252
New dashboard widget "Graph prototype"ZBXNEXT-5251
Extend widget "Problems by severity" with aggregated viewZBXNEXT-5250
Remove screen element "Screen"ZBXNEXT-5249
New dashboard widget "Host availability"ZBXNEXT-5238
Simplify editing of a dashboard widgetZBXNEXT-5236
Support of 24 column grid for the dashboard
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