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  2. ZBX-14648

slow deletion of item in template linked to many hosts


    • Sprint 39, Sprint 40, Sprint 41, Sprint 42, Sprint 43, Sprint 44, Sprint 45, Sprint 46, Nov 2018
    • 3

      Information below is gathered from discussion with a zabbix user.

      When we delete an item from template, linked to 10K hosts, it takes too much time, and in 99% of attempts it returms nothing (supposedly PHP error happens).

      There were changes in ZBX-6118, where it's stated:

      Improved performance of create(), update() and template linkage methods for item, discoveryrule and itemprototype classes.

      which does not include items deletion.

      Besides of the zbx, there are also ZBX-13335, ZBX-13348, ZBX-13349 fixed, but they also do not talk about deletion.

      And one more thing:
      We have a user with limited rights, access to only one host group with ~500 hosts. When opening Configuration -> Hosts, page is loading very long time.
      A super admin user opens the same page really fast.

      Zabbix 3.4.9. © 2001–2018, Zabbix SIA                           
      ******************** Профилировщик сценария ********************
      Всего затрачено времени: 1593.176998                            
      Всего затрачено времени на SQL: 0.072697                        
      SQL запросов: 46 (selects: 44 | executes: 2)                    
      Пиковое использование памяти: 14.25M                            
      Лимит памяти: 512M                                              

      Note - I'm not sure what the provided debug belongs too - opening a page or deletion items.
      Strange thing that debug section does not contain some fields if compare with a testing zabbix installation.

        1. Selection_032.png
          208 kB
          Larisa Grigorjeva

            sasha Alexander Vladishev
            zalex_ua Oleksii Zagorskyi
            Team B
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