Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Centos 5.5
Original trigger: (File not modified & (saturday or sunday | anything before 8 am | anything after 6pm) )
{host.domain.com:vfs.file.time[/var/log/messages].fuzzytime(3600)}=0 & (
{host.domain.com:vfs.file.time[/var/log/messages.log].time(0)}<080000 |
Isolated it further down: (File not modified & anything before 8 am )
host.domain.com:vfs.file.time[/var/log/messages].fuzzytime(3600)}=0 &
If I do the same line with 060000 it works.
host.domain.com:vfs.file.time[/var/log/messages].fuzzytime(3600)}=0 &
I am not sure if this is a bug in the test expression or if it effects all trigger evaulations.
- duplicates
ZBX-2979 time function in trigger evaluation error
- Closed