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- ZBX-4163????????????? ?????????
- ZBX-3960Hang of agentd
- ZBX-3820UPgrading to 1..5 does not delete messages from the log "Evaluation failed for function"
- ZBX-3727Zabbix Server process crash - Escalator...
- ZBX-3713macro expansion results passed to user scripts unquoted
- ZBX-3712SNMP Dynamic index does not support variable lengh indexes. It assumes indexes are integers.
- ZBX-3711Add fping to server requirements in the manual
- ZBX-3708zabbix server stops retrieving data from passive proxy, connection seems to be "stuck"
- ZBX-3700French Translation for 1.8.5rc1
- ZBX-3686French translation for 1.8.5rc1
- ZBX-3673Incorrect evaluating operators OR ('|') and AND ('&') in trigger expressions and calculated item expressions
- ZBX-3672History syncer can hang up generating value for 'zabbix[log]' item
- ZBX-3664Zabbix-Server script incorrectly reports itself as running
- ZBX-3663Expansion of Server Items in "Latest Data"
- ZBX-3645node id not printed in nodewatcher startup line
- ZBX-3644Users with read-only permissions are able to create items via API
- ZBX-3640zabbix_get ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED on D-drive (ISCSI target windows to synology NAS)
- ZBX-3633user history not saved with empty table
- ZBX-3630zabbix server crash - unknown cause
- ZBX-3628server crash in escalator while expanding macros
- ZBX-3626When Zabbix imports a map template, the each icons are created twice at same coordinate point.
- ZBX-3622unlinked template - items collecting data anyhow
- ZBX-3621allowed maximum number of processes is too low
- ZBX-3614trigger does not evaluate time properly in test trigger expression
- ZBX-3609escalator crashes when substituting macros
- ZBX-3604Slow log in zabbix server log is cluttering and should be separate
- ZBX-3590One child process died
- ZBX-3584allowed hosts set to localhost when changing item type
- ZBX-3578Revise default test arguments
- ZBX-3576After ZBX-2904 fix, not only unknown triggers but disabled item's triggers are also displayed in 'status of triggers'.
- ZBX-3568*UNKNOWN* value received if use macros in an item key
- ZBX-3567Zabbix dies everyday at 15:03
- ZBX-3563Can not filter by Host-Group in graph popup
- ZBX-3562user macros don't work in map labels
- ZBX-3557undefined index in availability report
- ZBX-3555Poller hangs while processing SSH checks
- ZBX-3554Agent doesn't start if Hostname is not explicitly cpecified in zabbix_agentd.conf
- ZBX-3553Agent is unable to get system.hostname and system.uname
- ZBX-3548Empty ListenIP does not bind on all interfaces
- ZBX-3544attempt_failed not being cleared with API authentication
- ZBX-3543Dashboard PHP Error w/ DB2 Backend
- ZBX-3542configuration cache generates too much debugging output
- ZBX-3541Incorrect events generated if older data received for nodata() function
- ZBX-3539Item receve values that are not supposed to
- ZBX-3536SNMP poller fails with IPv6 host and use_ip==0
- ZBX-3535trigger wizard is broken
- ZBX-3532impossible to add item to trigger expression from popup menu
- ZBX-3524Disabling ITEMS does not disable its corresponding TRIGGERS
- ZBX-3523Can not open a other map if the last viewed map is already removed
- ZBX-3520php frontend uses non-existent sprint_f
1 of 143
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