Uploaded image for project: 'ZABBIX FEATURE REQUESTS'
  2. ZBXNEXT-18

Send an alert after trigger being acknowledged


    • Sprint 4, Sprint 5, Sprint 6, Sprint 7, Sprint 8, Sprint 9, Sprint 10, Sprint 11, Sprint 12, Sprint 13, Sprint 14, Sprint 30, Sprint 31, Sprint 32
    • 28

      Alexei,we need to have Email alert sent out to our team of Admins and Customers. letting them know that the triggered Alert has been acknowledged When acknowledged. i cant seem to effectively set this up in a manner of that when i acknowledge an alert no action takes place and no email is sent to the given group.

      how do i go about setting up an action to get this work correctly

        1. ZBXNEXT-18.jpg
          128 kB
          Sergejs Paskevics
        2. ZBXNEXT-18-2.jpg
          81 kB
          Sergejs Paskevics
        3. ZBXNEXT-18-3.jpg
          224 kB
          Sergejs Paskevics
        4. zbxnext_31.png
          82 kB
          Sergejs Paskevics
        5. zbxnext-18.postman_collection.json
          65 kB
          Gregory Chalenko
        6. zbxnext-18-clone2.jpg
          221 kB
          Sergejs Paskevics
        7. zbxnext-18-empty.jpg
          172 kB
          Sergejs Paskevics
        8. select_button.png
          56 kB
          Natalja Romancaka
        9. multi_trigger_ack.png
          66 kB
          Anna Kucenko
        There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

            s.paskevics Sergejs Paskevics
            sarioto Sol Arioto
            Team C
            96 Vote for this issue
            61 Start watching this issue
