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  2. ZBXNEXT-7018

Better visibility of templates in UI


    • Icon: New Feature Request New Feature Request
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • 6.0.0beta1, 6.0 (plan)
    • None
    • Frontend (F)
    • None
    • Sprint 81 (Oct 2021), Sprint 82 (Nov 2021), Sprint 83 (Dec 2021)
    • 2


      In the majority of cases templates define host's behaviour in such crucial areas as data collection and alerting. Yet, template configuration is located in a separate tab of Hosts configuration screen and is not visible by default. We should improve the usability of Hosts and Templates configuration screens by moving template configuration to the first tab. Additionally, Host prototypes screen could benefit from moving host groups from a separate tab to the main screen.

      Use cases

      1. I want to view and manage templates on the Hosts, Templates and Host prototypes configuration screen without extra navigation.
      1. I want to view and manage groups on Host prototypes screen without extra navigation.


      1. Template changes in configuration screens:
        1. Templates tab (Linked templates tab in Templates) must be removed from Hosts, Templates and Host prototypes
        2. Templates selector must be placed on the first tab of these screens after Groups
          1. It must look similar to Groups selector (as used in Hosts) but have two action icons (see mockup below)
            1. The icons must correspond to Unlink and Unlink and clear actions
            2. The icons must have tooltips
      1. Group changes in Host prototypes screen:
        1. Groups tab must be removed from Host prototypes
        2. Groups selector and Group prototypes table must be placed in the Host tab after Visible name

        1. Screenshot from 2021-11-23 17-15-59.png
          26 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        2. Screenshot from 2021-11-23 17-15-34.png
          29 kB
          Sergejs Olonkins
        3. image1.png
          34 kB
          Rostislav Palivoda

            jfreibergs Janis Freibergs
            palivoda Rostislav Palivoda
            Team A
            2 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
