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  2. ZBXNEXT-8746

Remove template name prefix from items, triggers, graphs


      Hi Devs,

      Recently Zabbix switched all out-of-the-box templates to include a prefix on items, triggers and graphs. The result is that out-of-the-box templates dropped in quality and usability severely.

      Example: Prefix "Linux:"


      Some of the results:

      • Top X items widget can only show results (like CPU util) from 1 template
      • Everything now includes a prefix, making item names longer and harder to read. (Best practice: Short and descriptive??)
        • This impacts users on low resolution screens even worse
        • Messages sent by Zabbix are longer as well, with no usable extra information
      • This is why we have TAGS no? Why do I need a prefix that tells me the same thing a tag on a template level does. This works against Zabbix their own idea of tags and best practices.
      • If I have items from several templates that relate to the same component, they now won't group together anymore since they include a prefix.


      The change doesn't work, it makes Zabbix a lot less usable. Please revert it.

            abakaldin Alexander Bakaldin
            nathan.liefting Nathan Liefting
            Team INT
            12 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
