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- ZBX-14720
Missing index causing full table scan on escalations table during recovery - ZBX-14786
host receiving data via zabbix-agent but availability grey - ZBX-14775
Get vpxd.stats.maxquerymetrics parameter from vmware service before retrieving performance counters - ZBX-14757
Almost all fields became writable in host prototype form when select "Inherited and host macros" in "Macros" tab - ZBX-14764
Proxy crashes when StartIPMIPollers=2 - ZBX-14676
Incorrect display of references in macros when using Cyrillic in the description of the trigger - ZBX-14848
it is not specified what 'target' is - ZBX-14813
Problem with action on discovery rule - ZBX-14745
web scenarios and http headers - setting Host in header changes which address check is done against - ZBX-14748
Deadlock found in server when deleting LLD discovery rules - ZBX-14689
Graph list of host doesn't refresh when select host group - ZBX-14707
Lost of lastchange data in trigger view screen. - ZBX-14702
unclear note in 3.4 compatibility page - ZBX-14698
No full description of the vfs.file.time in the documentation - ZBX-14697
Memory leak in alert manager when zabbix database is not available - ZBX-14831
Zabbix trap data disappears, but there is history - ZBX-14758
Cookie names and values should be URI-encoded - ZBX-14791
Time period condition ignored in action - ZBX-14740
Legend missing in graphs - ZBX-14722
Zabbix auto registration using metadata fails with a "cannot link template(s)" error message - ZBX-14713
Secure communication - ZBX-14712
Problem with some Vmware keys - ZBX-14679
zabbix virtual appliance 3.4.12 eth not detected - ZBX-14838
zabbix server show https service down but it showing up in agent - ZBX-14734
Two web checks with the same name from different templates assigned to one host - ZBX-14823
Actions resending after zabbix-service restart - ZBX-14690
Trigger nodata time incident recovery error - ZBX-14802
Creating a trigger is causing a deadlock - ZBX-14809
Broken dependencies in Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) Postgres install (similar to ZBX-12835) - ZBX-14796
trigger function count() with eq on string not working - ZBX-14827
memory usage is full - ZBX-14826
Auto Register Action Link Template Error - ZBX-14680
Monitoring itens Datastore VMware with default Zabbix SDK - ZBX-14727
Overview page, even with "none" first drop-down entry, generates very huge SQL, same as for "all" - ZBX-14677
wmvare monitoring (datastore,NIC,performace counter...) failed after 3.4.8 - ZBX-14819
link zabbix agent windows template failes on autodiscovery end aut-registration - ZBX-14695
zabbix 3.4.12 can't start - ZBX-14804
Not able to install configure zabbix on RHEL 7.5 with subscribed version - ZBX-14770
LDAP authentication against the Global Catalog not performing recursive query to child domains. - ZBX-14704
zabbix3+ mysql8 - ZBX-14762
failed to update local proxy configuration copy: unexpected field "hosts.available" - ZBX-14705
zabbix3+ 在mysql8上无法使用
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]