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- ZBX-24211
Long custom severity labels don't fit in condition configuration form dialog - ZBX-24210
External plugin protocol requests are handled asynchronously - ZBX-24203
Script item error on parsing parameters if no parameters defined - ZBX-24190
Items lost upon save when configuring graphs - ZBX-24237
Incorrect maxlenght of Uptime/Downtime value field in Discovery action - ZBX-24182
Tags table is unnecessary re-sized after the 1st tag is removed in host, template and other configuration forms - ZBX-24163
Same submap can be added to tree element several times - ZBX-24235
Value misaligned in Item widget - ZBX-24200
Incorrect display of long custom severity in Problems by severity widget - ZBX-24167
Server links template to host if the host and the template have item prototypes with same key on different LLDs - ZBX-24236
Nested transaction detected in LLD
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