Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Better naming files when exporting. Add extra information to the name.ZBXNEXT-798
Make the blacklist array for units configurable to prevent metric concatenation in graphs.ZBXNEXT-363
Add an expand button on the Search boxZBXNEXT-334
Merge of "Maintenance Periods" and "Service Time" from IT Services in one feature.ZBXNEXT-614
Slovak translation of PHP Front-endZBXNEXT-573
Ability to edit "Action conditions" in ActionZBXNEXT-657
Ability to choose which items will be displayed in data overview tableZBXNEXT-568
Web Scenario VariablesZBXNEXT-498
Disable Hostname and maybe Server in agent config by defaultZBXNEXT-506
quiet mode for zabbix_senderZBXNEXT-480
Using Special Character "/" in a Template nameZBXNEXT-702
Compare last "text" value with any other stringZBXNEXT-662
secure imap service check not supportedZBXNEXT-455
Need to add More info in debug log about reason in skip actionZBXNEXT-365
Add a 'Create Joint Trigger' option when multiselecting Triggers checkboxesZBXNEXT-362
Action Operations notification choicesZBXNEXT-572
Possibility to filter and search for strings in triggers.ZBXNEXT-528
More colors in the graphics paletteZBXNEXT-532
Zabbix_sender's document does not specify the format of the timestamp usedZBXNEXT-666
Sum 2 graphsZBXNEXT-615
Problem in Calculated items if correspond items are not fetchZBXNEXT-611
Provide a way for daemons to (optionally) run in the foreground.ZBXNEXT-569
Y axis MIN and MAX unique value for left and right axisZBXNEXT-516
Prety triggersZBXNEXT-507
IT services documentationZBXNEXT-436
Better displaying of acknowledges problem in the mapsZBXNEXT-451
Unable to use data item from a subsidiary of nodes on the master node.ZBXNEXT-272
XML schema requiredZBXNEXT-566
Exporting on application/item-levelsZBXNEXT-565
allow use of arbitrary Items in Trigger desciptionZBXNEXT-564
Provide macros for auto registration eventsZBXNEXT-586
add support for hardware sensors on OpenBSDZBXNEXT-412
Update of Brazilian Portuguese Translation - until 1.8.x/1.9 release 12771ZBXNEXT-854
Support Bar GraphsZBXNEXT-713
ability to send values with zabbix_sender to items of types other than trapperZBXNEXT-504
Unable to change "GUI Messaging Options" for Guest userZBXNEXT-503
Log Scrap MacroZBXNEXT-499
Use {$MACRO} for key items for trapperZBXNEXT-505
support hex and octal conversion to text/character/stringZBXNEXT-501
system.cpu.util[] on Windows should support types other than "system"ZBXNEXT-443
History view with lots of events and several items needs to be improvedZBXNEXT-426
Dashboard to display stats about unacknowledged problemsZBXNEXT-425
Macros to return number of acknowledged eventsZBXNEXT-424
Additional options for Status of Triggers screenZBXNEXT-201
Required to implement autoregistration of the zabbix_agent using it's IP.ZBXNEXT-817
Multiline SQL queries in DB MonitorZBXNEXT-583
New Filter in tr_status.phpZBXNEXT-585
Value mapped Items meaning not displayed on Network map labelsZBXNEXT-576
Add to Template Option for GraphZBXNEXT-376
Brazilian Portuguese Translation
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