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Option to preserve zoom/filter select between graphsZBXNEXT-2636
Action to add Host macro based on network discoveryZBXNEXT-2729
improve value cache debugging capabilitiesZBXNEXT-2596
Internal notifications should send the reason why an item became unsupportedZBXNEXT-2595
More draw-styles for Ad-Hoc graphsZBXNEXT-2623
Dynamic Vertical Axis Control on GraphsZBXNEXT-2625
Cannot include in bulk acknowledge already acknowledged eventsZBXNEXT-2624
Network discovery delay described not enoughZBXNEXT-2583
zabbix Packages: error due do no change usernameZBXNEXT-2964
IT Services with arbitrary time interval selectionZBXNEXT-2632
Trigger active duration macroZBXNEXT-2600
Macros {SNMP.COMMUNITY} for external checkZBXNEXT-2603
Allow max length of user macros to 2048 (server side)ZBXNEXT-1766
Include graphs from low level discovery into templated screensZBXNEXT-2798
New/extended item key - count of problem triggers.ZBXNEXT-2639
Please add the following Event Sources for Internal ACTIONSZBXNEXT-2613
SNMP version/credentials should be set at interface level, not item levelZBXNEXT-2612
SNMP version should be set at interface level, not item levelZBXNEXT-2567
sort and filter network discovery results by serviceZBXNEXT-2566
show statistics in network discovery resultsZBXNEXT-2594
Inventory Overview should show lists of host names, not only countZBXNEXT-2619
add new key to get vmware's value "ready"ZBXNEXT-2629
Zero fill undiscovered items in ad-hoc graphsZBXNEXT-2588
add command line option to server to dump configuration cacheZBXNEXT-2908
Update existing applications on Template import via FrontendZBXNEXT-2615
should specify reason why connection to postgresql is not successfulZBXNEXT-3112
Fail on Zabbix external checksZBXNEXT-2611
Add action to "Database monitor" item if query result is empty.ZBXNEXT-2605
LLD Host prototype: create user macros on host based on values returned by the discoveryZBXNEXT-2604
Item prototype: allow using macros in application nameZBXNEXT-2577
Agent should return item timed out to the serverZBXNEXT-2953
Separate API access levelsZBXNEXT-2771
users or usergroups to exclude from LDAP authenticationZBXNEXT-2617
Triggers on multiple items with the same clock should be evaluated at the same timeZBXNEXT-2743
Retrieve only headers validated automatically
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