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- ZBXNEXT-6018Secret encryption details in the frontend
- ZBXNEXT-5964Maintenance widget in dashboard
- ZBXNEXT-5960Graphing both an X and Y coordinate value.
- ZBXNEXT-5959Possibility to add Scripts with "conditions", like Actions
- ZBXNEXT-5979Ability to post JSON code snippets into a Web form
- ZBXNEXT-5966SNMP protocol versioning in templates
- ZBXNEXT-6036Add "Apply permissions and tag filters to all subgroups" in hostgroup.update API or with MassUpdate (Frontend)
- ZBXNEXT-6035Introduce "Override errors" to items
- ZBXNEXT-6037No default authentication mode "SAML" available
- ZBXNEXT-5998New Macro - {ITEM.ERROR<1-9>}
- ZBXNEXT-6031graphs in zabbix 5.0
- ZBXNEXT-6025Add last check on "Details of web scenario" page
- ZBXNEXT-6060Autoregistration to work with Certificate encryption
- ZBXNEXT-6039Add support of proxy authentication in Webhook mediatypes
- ZBXNEXT-6000Increase query field length for hhtp agent
- ZBXNEXT-5978OpenBSD upstream support (packages)
- ZBXNEXT-5973Azure Metric monitoring
- ZBXNEXT-5961Ability to filtering by host-level tags in Monitoring-Data overview and Widget
- ZBXNEXT-5958SAML authentication : be able to use the NameID attribute to authenticate
- ZBXNEXT-5953Support global macros in trigger expressions
- ZBXNEXT-5948Cannot setup working SAML behind nginx reverse proxy providing https
- ZBXNEXT-5981fuzzytime - allow specifying range
- ZBXNEXT-5980Optionally ignore a new discovery in case only certain fields have changed.
- ZBXNEXT-5947Make new interface of 5.0 optional
- ZBXNEXT-5999extend possibilities to monitor unsupported items/rules
- ZBXNEXT-5952Allow SAML Login to be set default login
- ZBXNEXT-5955Improve Microsoft Teams with custom fields
- ZBXNEXT-5962Dashboard graph: change grid steps
- ZBXNEXT-5954Add ability to choose between software and physical swap on Solaris using system.swap.size key
- ZBXNEXT-5982Zabbix LTS availability for Raspberry Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- ZBXNEXT-5987Mass Update for item property "Populates host inventory field"
- ZBXNEXT-6011Host groups filter with parent host group empty not work
- ZBXNEXT-6021Non-Admin can request the Proxys via API
- ZBXNEXT-6005Add search option to Dashboard list
- ZBXNEXT-6061How we can install agent2 in ubuntu:16.04 to monitor docker
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