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Template naming inconsistencyZBXNEXT-6942
Increase length for HostMetadataZBXNEXT-8105
Support of streaming metrics and events to external systems over HTTPZBXNEXT-8035
Improve F5 template /usr partition triggerZBXNEXT-7512
New Host configuration modal window lacks "triggers" and "items" tabsZBXNEXT-7913
Server changes to improve media type configurationZBXNEXT-7901
View suppressed triggers on maintenance pageZBXNEXT-6181
Zabbix Proxy should drop SQLite Database, if a version mismatch or error occurs.ZBXNEXT-8054
Update MariaDB maximum supported version to 10.9ZBXNEXT-7791
Include Sender and Get utilities to Zabbix agent 2 MSIZBXNEXT-8055
Add in frontend item "system.sw.packages.get"ZBXNEXT-7992
DB changes to introduce name for trigger URLZBXNEXT-7980
Enterprise Linux arm64 packagesZBXNEXT-7979
Please refine templates for SAF Basic Integra-X & WZBXNEXT-7978
Please refine templates for SAF Basic Integra-E & GZBXNEXT-8170
Please backport AWS templates for 6.0 versionZBXNEXT-8119
Integration with RedHat AnsibleZBXNEXT-7932
Frontend changes to remove heartbeats from proxyZBXNEXT-8188
Improve documentation for custom frontend modulesZBXNEXT-8155
Agent2 support to stream metricsZBXNEXT-8141
Make the description of the parameters in the API documentation more understandableZBXNEXT-7793
Zabbix SNMP Gateway - current Problem triggers table not updatedZBXNEXT-8156
Backport Azure templates for 6.0 versionZBXNEXT-7889
Update templates after improvements in filesystem discoveryZBXNEXT-6119
Agent 2's Docker plugin outputZBXNEXT-8130
DB patch to Simplify templates by removing nestingZBXNEXT-7963
Hint and confirmation for HTTP auth typeZBXNEXT-8166
Thread based pre-processing workersZBXNEXT-8074
Secure CSRF tokensZBXNEXT-8115
Update templateZBXNEXT-1354
Host filtering by statusZBXNEXT-7977
Please create Template for Azure MSSQLZBXNEXT-7993
Server side changes to implement Cause and symptom eventsZBXNEXT-7924
Switch templates to proc.getZBXNEXT-8076
Add command-R prof_enable for determining mutex contention and profilingZBXNEXT-8085
Remove the deprecated API features from 6.4ZBXNEXT-8087
Simplify templates by removing nestingZBXNEXT-7886
Template for Cisco Nexus 9kZBXNEXT-2580
Agent item "system.sw.packages" detail modeZBXNEXT-4714
Add filter options to action log screenZBXNEXT-2043
Add functions for VMWare monitoringZBXNEXT-7826
Frontend changes for old proxies supportZBXNEXT-7948
Optimize preprocessing configuration sync by preprocessing managerZBXNEXT-7971
Allow max length of "URL (after login)" of user to more than 255ZBXNEXT-6797
hostmetadataitem more than 255 charactersZBXNEXT-7122
Improve handling of hypertables with compressed chunks and disabled overrides in housekeeperZBXNEXT-6401
Add new keys for datastore perfcountersZBXNEXT-7912
Improve media type configurationZBXNEXT-7921
API changes for incremental proxy configuration sync
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