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Incorrect abs function description in the documentationZBX-25782
Zabbix proxy sqlite3 crashes on startup on rocky linux 8ZBX-25771
Document what to do if appliance installation goes wrongZBX-25764
Zabbix 7.2 - Nessus scan - Plugin #58987 - Critical - PHP Unsupported Version DetectionZBX-25690
Wrong information on documentation regarding "template.update" methodZBX-25598
Document Recommended version of MariaDB(10.5)ZBX-25535
Y-axis is not displayed on the overridden sideZBX-25476
When using the {ITEM.VALUE} macro with "Operational data", there are display issues with manual close execution.ZBX-25466
Labels for checkboxes in mass update form having unneeded title attributeZBX-25460
Inconsistent report of free disk space by Zabbix agent 1 and agent 2 in response to vfs.fs.getZBX-25443
Different Go lang version requirementsZBX-25373
LLD allows creation of duplicate triggersZBX-25363
Zabbix connector spam to log "server returned empty content"ZBX-25296
FTBFS on OpenBSD 7.5 (agent) with OpenSSL (LibreSSL)ZBX-25206
Unnecessary padding inside the Geomap widgetZBX-24916
Extend unixtime units for init64ZBX-24690
If the trigger description field contains a "line break" and a "-", the exported YAML format is incorrect.ZBX-24672
Replace the sync collector for Agent2 windows perfmon plugin with async goroutineZBX-23960
Zabbix v6.0.x documentation issues, part 8ZBX-23362
Filtering by name doesn't work in mysql for some special character such as `ZBX-23103
JSONPath in zabbix does not support $ sign in object namesZBX-22979
Cloning in modal windows enables interaction with background itemsZBX-22307
Zabbix FTBFS on OpenBSDZBX-20768
Incorrect logrotate rule for snmptraps.log in containerised snmptrapd service
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