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Frontend changes to remove heartbeats from proxyZBXNEXT-7880
DB patch to allow user links to Host and Event context menuZBXNEXT-7877
Please create master template for AWS cloud servicesZBXNEXT-7852
Incremental active check refresh for active agentsZBXNEXT-7847
Create DB patch for menu changesZBXNEXT-7834
Integration with Microsoft Azure: Cloud | virtual machine instanceZBXNEXT-7832
Dynamic item setting is confusingZBXNEXT-7830
Better layout of Zabbix menuZBXNEXT-7819
Create monitoring template for AWS S3ZBXNEXT-7814
Update MariaDB maximum supported version to 10.8ZBXNEXT-7813
Update MariaDB maximum supported version to 10.7ZBXNEXT-7802
namespace support implementation for Hashicopr consulZBXNEXT-7797
Frontend changes to make optional interfaces for server-originated checksZBXNEXT-7792
Create monitoring template for AWS RDSZBXNEXT-7723
Helm chart uses deprecated PodSecurityPolicy handlingZBXNEXT-7661
Item value widget: dynamic background colourZBXNEXT-7633
Integration with HPE synergyZBXNEXT-7520
Template for OPNsenseZBXNEXT-7080
Provide Frontend support for the upcoming PHP 8.0 + JITZBXNEXT-6989
Implement audit for host interfacesZBXNEXT-6797
hostmetadataitem more than 255 charactersZBXNEXT-6666
Zabbix Agent and Agent 2 can be installed with the same configuration file and both worksZBXNEXT-6406
Do not require Host Interface for External / Simple ChecksZBXNEXT-6300
Add trigger checksum failures in template PostgreSQL Agent 2ZBXNEXT-6222
Increase length for HostMetadataZBXNEXT-6181
Zabbix Proxy should drop SQLite Database, if a version mismatch or error occurs.ZBXNEXT-5229
Report tags regarding VMs for vmware.vm.discovery item keyZBXNEXT-3496
Allow to add own links to Host context menu (with interface mock)ZBXNEXT-2878
Add keys for properties like vmware.vm.perfcounterZBXNEXT-2043
Add functions for VMWare monitoringZBXNEXT-1711
New key for discovery rule / LLD to collect processesZBXNEXT-1616
Agent supported vfs mount status on discovered mounts.
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