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  2. ZBXNEXT-4165

If action operation's "Send only to" is set to "- All -" it's not listed on Media types page.


    • Sprint 104 (Sep 2023)
    • 1

      Steps to reproduce

      Tested on 3.0 and trunk, probably affects all versions. If action operation "Send only to" is set to "- All -" it is not shown in "Used in actions" on "Media types" page.

      1. Open action.
      2. Click "Operations" tab.
      3. Click "Edit" link.
      4. Set "Send only to" to "- All -".
      5. Click "Update" in Operatin details.
      6. Click "Update" button (Doh!).
      7. Go to "Administration -> Media types".
      8. Observe the "Used in actions" column, the affected action is not in
        the media type list.

      Expected result

      Affected action exists in "Used in actions" list.

      Actual result

      Affected action does not exist in "Used in actions" list.

      When editing the action if "Send only to" is set to specific Media type, it will be listed in "Used in actions" column.

        1. image-2023-09-07-07-44-14-644.png
          25 kB
          Diana Dauksa
        2. image-2023-09-07-07-44-33-584.png
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          Diana Dauksa
        3. image-2023-09-18-13-29-05-915.png
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          Larisa Grigorjeva
        4. image-2023-09-18-13-33-22-177.png
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          Larisa Grigorjeva
        5. image-2023-09-18-13-35-05-535.png
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          Larisa Grigorjeva
        6. image-2023-09-18-13-44-06-060.png
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          Larisa Grigorjeva
        7. image-2023-09-18-13-44-17-787.png
          33 kB
          Larisa Grigorjeva
        8. screenshot-1.png
          65 kB
          Martins Orinskis

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