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Faulty TLSConnect parameter functionality in Mongodb pluginZBX-23643
Incorrectly documented API connector.object property typesZBX-23169
zabbix_web_service.log not rotate (typo)ZBX-23569
mongodb plugin oplog metric handler broken logicZBX-23430
Tab selection lost in High contrast themeZBX-22493
SQL errors after re-assigning the hosts to the proxyZBX-23146
TSDB upgrade doesn't workZBX-23235
Inconsistent behavior with resolving of macro functions on server and frontendZBX-23620
Correctly sort sub-templates in READMEs of Acronis, Openstack and Control-M templatesZBX-23639
Fix value type in ceph templateZBX-22537
Unable to open symptom list (Uncaught TypeError: rows[0] is undefined)ZBX-23269
Value mapping modal too small while loadingZBX-23290
Unnecessary gap is present in the filters for tag fields on Monitoring -> Latest dataZBX-23399
Console error: "TypeError: element.focus is not a function" is appearing in Mass update -> Macros / Value Mapping - Remove allZBX-23521
"Password" field's label is not changing to "Key passphrase" for SSH item with auth keyZBX-22829
TypeError appears during 'Discovery check' editZBX-23472
Query error when moving cursor over the action iconZBX-23525
Incorrect tab naming in template configuration formZBX-23429
Strange dots in Latest data in SafariZBX-23431
"Network timeout for item test" parameter - doesn't workZBX-23660
Broken widgets in FortiGate by HTTP templateZBX-22400
"Parent web scenarios" row disappears after reloading configuration form of inherited web scenarioZBX-23157
Proxy memory buffer metrics return values when buffer is disabledZBX-19531
Data overview head vertical aligin issueZBX-23500
Gauge configuration options are not documentedZBX-22678
Agent2 item system.sw.packages.get is unsupportedZBX-23580
While upgrade to >=5.4 last_foreach function can get additional parameter 0 or 0sZBX-23602
Zabbix proxy configuration sometimes is reloaded when interface is updatedZBX-23668
There is no overflow check when converting floating point numbers to an integer valueZBX-23670
Simple checks timeout misbehaviourZBX-23381
RDS integration does not get FreeStorageSpace metric dataZBX-23490
Required pattern in Web scenario checks doesn't work with CZ/DE languages and probably other non USZBX-23621
zbx_snmp_walk loops forever when receiving empty snmp replies.ZBX-23615
The Monitoring->Hosts page receives data from the database twice the first time it is loadedZBX-23576
Wrong calculation with group condition in case there is Template group with same name
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