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Add SNI support to TLS protocol between Agent, Proxy and ServerZBXNEXT-7582
Move threshold information from trigger name to the event nameZBXNEXT-7467
PHP8: strict types in bitwise operatorsZBXNEXT-7485
PHP8: debug backtrace fixZBXNEXT-7397
Insecure md5 is used for verifying passwordsZBXNEXT-7452
Add SNI support to TLS protocol for Agent 2ZBXNEXT-7487
Ability to discover disabled systemd unitsZBXNEXT-7498
All internal items can be processed by regular pollersZBXNEXT-7488
Remove zabbix[history*] internal itemsZBXNEXT-7507
Template for TrueNasZBXNEXT-7505
Integration with GLPiZBXNEXT-6756
Frontend changes to support alerting for servicesZBXNEXT-6781
Integration with OpenWeatherMapZBXNEXT-7525
Make trigger links consistent in Configuration -> ItemsZBXNEXT-7573
Frontend changes to add custom templates to hosts created from host prototypesZBXNEXT-7562
Add en_GB locale in the UIZBXNEXT-7564
PHP8.1 unable to import Media typeZBXNEXT-7138
Make API token creation form modalZBXNEXT-7478
PHP8: function arguments with default valuesZBXNEXT-7477
PHP8: PDO error modeZBXNEXT-7455
Frontend changes to reload passive proxy config dataZBXNEXT-6624
S.M.A.R.T. monitoring improvement to agent2ZBXNEXT-7082
PHP8: stop using deprecated function libxml_disable_entity_loader()ZBXNEXT-5580
Create macro for Template windows_agent_activeZBXNEXT-7408
"net.dns" and "net.dns.record" implementationZBXNEXT-7559
S.M.A.R.T. Go-plugin for Zabbix agent 2ZBXNEXT-6959
Implement audit for frontend (Host prototypes)ZBXNEXT-7413
Frontend changes for CyberArk Vault 12ZBXNEXT-4635
Zabbix Integration with KubernetesZBXNEXT-7523
Possibility to add custom templates to hosts created from host prototypesZBXNEXT-7472
Support of text data for Top hosts widgetZBXNEXT-7420
Add links to documentation to all UI formsZBXNEXT-7116
Add parameter in the item key or configuration option to Zabbix agent 2 to check now active items if agent has been just startedZBXNEXT-7065
"Slow query count" metric, Zabbix agent 2ZBXNEXT-7023
Extend SERVICE.NAME.NOT_MATCHES in Windows Services templateZBXNEXT-7402
Store secrets in CyberArk Vault 12ZBXNEXT-3140
new macros to indicate error message of item/lldrule/trigger in internal monitoring alertsZBXNEXT-1580
ability to reload passive proxy config dataZBXNEXT-388
gather data for new items right after creationZBXNEXT-7493
Improve current generic java templates with GC and Memory pool discoveryZBXNEXT-7627
Set PHP 7.4 as minimum version in Zabbix 6.2
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