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- ZBX-16834Zabbix Server Fatal Crash
- ZBX-16770Wrong value mapping in Template Net HP Comware HH3C SNMPv2
- ZBX-16754Trigger is not fired for first collected value if it's timestamp is in future
- ZBX-16750Broken validation of peer certificate issuer/subject in TLS connect: check always succeeds
- ZBX-16749zabbix Link Loading Too Slow
- ZBX-16725Zabbix Server doesn't recognize fping version properly
- ZBX-16714Action does not work when condition: Problem is suppressed: Yes
- ZBX-16711httppoller, process_httptest, errbuf not initialized to empty string
- ZBX-16702Error in comparison in the elastic search clearing history function
- ZBX-16683If problem recovers before the problem alert registration, recovery alert is delayed by the step duration.
- ZBX-16681Missing "Acknowledge" link on Trigger overview page for severity "Not classified"
- ZBX-16680Semaphore increase with broken zabbix_agentd.conf, Suse 11.4
- ZBX-16677Trapper Something impossible just happened (Oracle).
- ZBX-16671Zabbix server crashing when linking web scenario template
- ZBX-16666Can't log in if double slash was in the URL
- ZBX-16664IPMI poller skips processing if one of the elements is missing information (not installed)
- ZBX-16650"lld worker" process produces empty transaction, causes ORA-06550 SQL error
- ZBX-16612Zabbix agent used intensively CPU on Windows
- ZBX-16611Endless loops of setTimeouts in gtlc.js library, causing memory and performance leaks
- ZBX-16605Widget filter - Invalid parameter "Host groups/1"
- ZBX-16604Undefined index in discovered graph configuration
- ZBX-16575 Virtual machine monitoring does not support sata device
- ZBX-16562Zabbix 4.2.3 error Incorrect item key when importing configuration by api
- ZBX-16561JSON path does not support some characters
- ZBX-16542Issue with displaying acknowledged problem in Overview if such problem was already recently resolved
- ZBX-16534After log rotating by outer program, stdout and stderr redirections are none
- ZBX-16512Host monitored by proxy (Active mode) are counted (but shouldn't) in queue immediately after maintenance mode (no data collection)
- ZBX-16443Windows agent MSI doesn't work if service exists yet
- ZBX-16442zabbix 4.0.11 has compiler warning for src/zabbix_agentd/active.c
- ZBX-16428Zabbix Agent Crash on Beaglebone Black (no SMBIOS device)
- ZBX-16383Timer processes are not responsible for switching host status to/from maintenance at 0 seconds of every minute
- ZBX-16368fping double call
- ZBX-16317log.h is not self-sufficient
- ZBX-16002EVENT.NAME does not contain recovery event name in recovery alerts
- ZBX-15897Fix health check for Template HP iLO
- ZBX-15685zabbix_sender may report successful sending of data while actually there is an error
- ZBX-15675system.cpu.util[all,system,avg1] reports the utilization of the first numa node on Windows NUMA hosts
- ZBX-15222Housekeeping not working
- ZBX-15211Running make requires aclocal
- ZBX-15135Filtering under the "Availability report" display more results than needed
- ZBX-10805Graphing log items issue with Numeric
1 of 41
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