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Consolidate arm64 as an architecture instead of separate repo for debian/ubuntuZBXNEXT-8718
Add agents for Windows 11 ARM to downloads pageZBXNEXT-9161
Provide Zabbix repository and packages for Raspberry Pi OS 12 (Debian 12 arm64)ZBXNEXT-9717
Add support for 6.0ZBXNEXT-6829
Setup own public mirrors for zabbix packages(mirror.rackspace.com/zabbix)ZBXNEXT-5787
Helm Chart for installation of Zabbix in Kubernetes clusterZBXNEXT-6161
Change default log location in Agent installerZBXNEXT-8777
Zabbix LTS 5.0 packages for Debian 12 bookwormZBXNEXT-8862
Allow ordered application of templates and item overlapZBXNEXT-6024
Мониторинг виртуальных машинZBXNEXT-4107
please add SLES PackagesZBXNEXT-5943
GitPod integrationZBXNEXT-5940
Zabbix-agent2_5.0.0 for Ubuntu 16.04ZBXNEXT-5936
Zabbix client for Ubuntu 20.04 (focal fossa)ZBXNEXT-6480
Packages for PDF report generation serviceZBXNEXT-6016
MSI Installer for Zabbix Agent2ZBXNEXT-4737
zabbix-agent RPM for Centos 7 should provide a service for firewalldZBXNEXT-5086
Add include directory to server's and proxy's configuration filesZBXNEXT-9114
Zabbix agents packages on ppc64ZBXNEXT-8023
rsync permissions on repo.zabbix.orgZBXNEXT-8227
Wants an permission to grant access at host group- host and host interface.ZBXNEXT-8328
RPM for photonOSZBXNEXT-8499
please update repo for rasbpian for bookwormZBXNEXT-8171
MSI Installer: Add HOSTNAMEITEM to available command-line parametersZBXNEXT-7624
Packages for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)ZBXNEXT-7037
Provide Raspbian 11 (bullseye) packagesZBXNEXT-6849
Static Agent binary for LTS 4.x/5.x kernelsZBXNEXT-6586
Please publish a binary repo for Debian 10 ARM64ZBXNEXT-6699
Customize snmptrapd settings for zabbix/zabbix-snmptraps:tag containerZBXNEXT-5982
Zabbix LTS availability for Raspberry Ubuntu 20.04 LTSZBXNEXT-4716
include bash completion in the packagesZBXNEXT-5152
Publish Debian 10 Buster repositoryZBXNEXT-9475
Packages for CentOS 10ZBXNEXT-8389
Zabbix Agent Fleet ManagementZBXNEXT-6584
Zabbix Agent 2 MSI, option to specify PersistentBufferFileZBXNEXT-6238
Add Raspbian support for zabbix-agent2ZBXNEXT-4641
Include external configuration file as default to improve deployment and upgradeZBXNEXT-8925
Set PHP 8.0 as minimum version in Zabbix 7.0ZBXNEXT-9131
Please provide official packages for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS "Noble Numbat"ZBXNEXT-4379
SMTP : failed to send email: Failed initializationZBXNEXT-4291
SNMP builder for MIB plugin for zabbix templatesZBXNEXT-4943
Change Zabbix Agent and Server to use different user accounts in packagesZBXNEXT-5222
RHEL/CentOS 8 SupportZBXNEXT-5311
Repository for Debian 10ZBXNEXT-7656
Add ability to use ENV variables to define configuration parametersZBXNEXT-9080
Provide official package for Amazon Linux 2023ZBXNEXT-9700
No warnings on broken 7.0.7 versionZBXNEXT-8014
Provide the binaries for the actual Linux kernel versions and most common PC architecture (amd64)ZBXNEXT-8151
Build ARM packages for all destributionsZBXNEXT-7444
zabbix package for use in closed networks
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