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Stored XSS in host groups configuration window in Zabbix Frontend (CVE-2022-23133)ZBX-20350
Unsafe client-side session storage leading to authentication bypass / instance takeover via Zabbix Frontend with configured SAML (CVE-2022-23131)ZBX-20341
Incorrect permissions of [/var/run/zabbix] forces dac_override (CVE-2022-23132)ZBX-20328
Error creating the trigger in the template as no items are created due lack of access rights to some hostsZBX-20311
Issue with PromQL rate() and histogram_quantile()ZBX-20294
Incorrect parameter name in System information widgetZBX-20278
XSS in scheduled reports config form by placing script text in the subscribed user nameZBX-20276
Parameter parsing error in bucket_percentile()ZBX-20270
Zoom is broken in geomap initial viewZBX-20268
Not possible to save service clone - Add button is disabledZBX-20240
The trigger does not become "Unknown" when the item becomes "Not supported".ZBX-20238
Incorrect LLD rule behaviour in case of hosts discoveryZBX-20232
Zabbix HA has "standalone" node as nodeZBX-20192
Zabbix Agent 2 can't run Power Shell command from actionZBX-20178
"Action operation" Scope scripts failed with error message "cannot execute script: (null)", although they were executed correctlyZBX-20170
Trigger functions monoinc and monodec are shown as incorrect in trigger expression constructor.ZBX-20150
Telegram Media type: some characters break MarkdownV2 syntaxZBX-20120
hosts import fails when containing hosts assigned to different proxiesZBX-20113
"vmware.hv.cpu.usage.perf[]" key returns float values, not integerZBX-20075
[template][F5 Big-IP SNMP] wrong trigger expression for certificate monitoringZBX-20060
F5 template trigger expression misconfigurationZBX-19973
Incorrect value "3" for "operator" fieldZBX-19897
Bug in template PostgreSQL by agent2 dependent itemZBX-19806
HttpRequest getHeaders() returns only last occurrence of multiple header fields with the same nameZBX-19704
Dashboard Zabbix server health broken in clean installation in 5.0.13 and aboveZBX-19651
Notification is not sent if part of the hosts in a trigger expression is not in maintenanceZBX-19514
Disk utilization Windows template wrongZBX-19474
Allow to specify HostMetadataItem for agent MSI installerZBX-19122
Update requirements documentation - used librariesZBX-18889
Postgresql 13 issueZBX-18474
Regex patterns used within macros could have unexpected results (Template Module Windows Services)ZBX-18389
Potential overflow in pgsql.frozenxid.sql
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