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Introduce HTTP authentication options to Script items and WebhooksZBXNEXT-6419
Add metrics to Oracle TemplateZBXNEXT-6399
Host macros are not supported in script item parametersZBXNEXT-6389
Template for NetApp FAS3220ZBXNEXT-6387
Limit access to session_key from settings.getZBXNEXT-6380
Add new vmware keys for cluster monitoringZBXNEXT-6376
Support of negated filtering for tagsZBXNEXT-6367
Add additional metrics to the official MySQL templateZBXNEXT-6366
Server changes to support of JavaScript for global scriptsZBXNEXT-6365
Server changes to introduce an option to check macro presence in LLD filtersZBXNEXT-6364
Remove useless lists of cloned objects from host and template formsZBXNEXT-6360
Support of JavaScript for global scriptsZBXNEXT-6358
Remove detailed information from the "Notifications" reportZBXNEXT-6353
Morning star monitoring templatesZBXNEXT-6351
Integration with SAF tehnikaZBXNEXT-6345
expand SIDs to real user names in windows evenlog detailsZBXNEXT-6334
Frontend changes for XML parsing in JS-preprocessingZBXNEXT-6332
Request for a new macro - {ITEM.VALUETYPE}ZBXNEXT-6331
Unify Zabbix plugin configuration functionality by using Package for Agent2 plugin configurationZBXNEXT-6330
Create template for Microsoft ExchangeZBXNEXT-6329
Create monitoring template for GitLabZBXNEXT-6325
Move Configuration->Event correlation to MVCZBXNEXT-6324
Move Configuration->Discovery to MVCZBXNEXT-6323
Move Administraton->Queue to MVCZBXNEXT-6319
Add bulk request in systemd plugin for zabbix-agent2ZBXNEXT-6318
Server side: support of API tokensZBXNEXT-6316
iTOP WebhookZBXNEXT-6314
Frontend changes to move host availability to host interfacesZBXNEXT-6311
Move host availability to host interfacesZBXNEXT-6307
Hidden cert store passwords in Zabbix Java GatewayZBXNEXT-6295
Make Administration selector more visible (introduce 3rd-level section)ZBXNEXT-6294
Replace all mass-update pages with popup windowsZBXNEXT-6293
Replace import page(s) with popup windowsZBXNEXT-6291
Display host nameZBXNEXT-6290
Add top level menu header "Configuration"ZBXNEXT-6285
Oracle initial scheme creating and image loading in to the BLOB fieldsZBXNEXT-6282
Webhooks update after renaming for JavaScript methodsZBXNEXT-6281
Template for Apache HadoopZBXNEXT-6280
Add trend function cacheZBXNEXT-6276
fmttime() <time_shift> argument should be more flexibleZBXNEXT-6275
Apache Zookeeper templateZBXNEXT-6274
Frontend implementation for Check for not supported value preprocessing step testZBXNEXT-6272
Create template "VMWare FQDN"ZBXNEXT-6269
Set IP to vmware HV and VMZBXNEXT-6257
Implement Check for not supported value preprocessing step test.ZBXNEXT-6253
Add native system.users.num support to Zabbix agent 2ZBXNEXT-6252
Introduce an option to check macro presence in LLD filtersZBXNEXT-6247
Skip identical values in LLD processingZBXNEXT-6241
Better naming for JavaScript methodsZBXNEXT-6236
Template for Kafka
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