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- ZBX-19338
Certain class of triggers going off on servers set to "Not Available" - ZBX-19331
Official MS Teams Zabbix Connector doesn't work - ZBX-19322
Dead Link in Zabbix docs - ZBX-19307
Reduce internal locking for the Zabbix Server process - ZBX-19305
web_service pdf report generation error on chromium v90+ - ZBX-19246
API methods updated in DB even there was no changes in role rule - ZBX-19240
Map navigation tree console error - ZBX-19234
PostgreSQL template contains persistent trigger - ZBX-19232
API: Runtime error while creating SSH item without "authtype" parameter - ZBX-19221
Enabled/disabled Access to API displayed incorrectly for new Super Admin - ZBX-19288
Incorrect pattern processing in "Expression" field in the create trigger wizard - ZBX-19263
Adding equal tags and values in mass update doesn't cause error message. - ZBX-19262
Tags trailing spaces are not trimmed in mass update - ZBX-19257
Mass update causes browser errors - ZBX-18991
Some elements are not translated on actionconf.php - ZBX-19199
Error in console when updating problems while displaying static graph hintboxes - ZBX-19195
Console error resizing Graph widget on dashboard - ZBX-19188
If the timeshift parameter is set in function timeleft() the calculation is still made from current time - ZBX-19178
Long expressions in trigger wizard are breaking the user interface - ZBX-18367
Discovery Action "uptime/downtime" condition doesn't allow a timespec-suffix - ZBX-19293
Zabbix user should be able to generate reports - ZBX-19292
Scheduled PDF report for users without permissions to the dashboard or disabled users - ZBX-19271
Tag fields change size when delete them all - ZBX-19330
No corresponing macro fields for testing ssh agent item with Public key auth - ZBX-19381
Macro values are not correctly escaped when testing items in web interface - ZBX-19255
Mass update of HTTP agent items Headers works incorrectly - ZBX-19346
Long screens - Screenshot not working - ZBX-19327
Zabbix Documentation doesn't cover installation of additional frontend languages - ZBX-19243
LogFile parameter isn't required when LogType=file in zabbix_agent2.conf - ZBX-19233
Memory leak and lost of original error in case of vmware read event error - ZBX-19229
No calendar popup at Daschboards hosts view - ZBX-19297
Windows agent build fails because of ZBXNEXT-6478 changes
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