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Introduce commonly used built-in functions to JavaScript preprocessing and webhooksZBXNEXT-5844
Add total response time for webscenario'sZBXNEXT-9668
Allow using autoregistration host's IP/DNS as an action conditionZBXNEXT-7989
Allow to run LLD only every X minutes/seconds doesn't matter incomming dataZBXNEXT-7988
Possibility to limit incomming data into zabbix trapper itemZBXNEXT-8463
ODBC poller, more protection when host is downZBXNEXT-6883
timezone macro (for actions)ZBXNEXT-6491
Specify a client certificate for HTTPS network discoveryZBXNEXT-6600
Allow/DenyKeys for remote commands on ProxiesZBXNEXT-9405
vmware: pagination for vmware event collectionZBXNEXT-9497
ICMP Ping item max retry optionZBXNEXT-9286
Internal metrics missing for proxyZBXNEXT-8915
Calculated items on proxyZBXNEXT-8747
New macro function: base64_encode/decodeZBXNEXT-6035
Introduce "Override errors" to itemsZBXNEXT-5718
Add support of AES192/256 privacy protocol for SNMP checks (focus on Cisco "standard")ZBXNEXT-5727
Use response headers in web monitoringZBXNEXT-6678
Wrap errors from XMLPath preprocessingZBXNEXT-5881
Average processes busy in secondsZBXNEXT-9617
Implement HTTP host discoveryZBXNEXT-8050
add zabbix sender functionality into zabbix javascript like script itemZBXNEXT-8206
Introduce upgrade only flagZBXNEXT-8504
ODBC interface in host interfacesZBXNEXT-8140
Make something like web.certificate.get available for server and proxyZBXNEXT-7786
Add possibility to set *context* EngineID to snmp interfaceZBXNEXT-7558
Better evidence/notification of Zabbix Proxy failure linked to hostsZBXNEXT-7555
Allow more than 1000 pollers on server/proxyZBXNEXT-7131
Parse hardware sensors value for VMware monitoringZBXNEXT-7063
zabbix/zabbix-snmptraps:ubuntu-4.0-latest doesn't run if IPv6 disabled on hostZBXNEXT-7073
Ability to send the configuration to a Pasive ProxyZBXNEXT-6605
Proxy remote command with Allow and DenyZBXNEXT-6438
Update item upon receipt of another itemZBXNEXT-6941
Introduce rate-limiting for trapper/SNMP trapper itemsZBXNEXT-6511
Ability to use Version 1 of HashiCorp Vault KV Secrets EngineZBXNEXT-6346
Unable to coonect to zabbix proxy from zabbix serverZBXNEXT-6338
Support macro {HOST.PROXY} in item keysZBXNEXT-6272
Create template "VMWare FQDN"ZBXNEXT-6269
Set IP to vmware HV and VMZBXNEXT-6301
Extend set of collected metrics for VM and HVZBXNEXT-6297
master item: trigger expressions evaluation after all dependent items (pre)processingZBXNEXT-6322
Introduce XML parser to JS preprocessing / script item / webhooksZBXNEXT-6004
vmware log 'target' entryZBXNEXT-7101
Implement "sleep" function into zabbix JS engineZBXNEXT-6809
change skip logic for vmware eventlog monitoingZBXNEXT-6443
Implement sha256 in JS preprocessingZBXNEXT-8827
Add UI error to Network Discovery ruleZBXNEXT-8670
Add support of async snmp to network discovery subsystemZBXNEXT-9145
VMware: increase speed of eventlog retrieval (problem detection)ZBXNEXT-9233
Increasing the limit for Zabbix dependent items from 29999 to a higher valueZBXNEXT-9883
Support OAuth2 on HTTP / Script items
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